
Dove Vs China Essay

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Each viewpoint, the hawk, the dove, and the internationalist base their consequent arguments on the perceived current political and moral position of the United States regarding international cybersecurity. Similar to relations between the USSR and the US, the rhetoric between the United States and China draws from the tensions surrounding superpower military supremacy and moral imperatives. Between the hawkish, dovish, and internationalist perspectives, the themes of American military and moral power persist.
The hawk perspective laid out by Colonel Jayson Spade in China’s Cyber Power and America’s National Security, focuses on American conventional military supremacy. Colonel Spade paints cyber tactics as tools to extend American military …show more content…

Lindsay decries the “[e]xaggerated fears about the paralysis of digital infrastructure and growing concerns over competitive advantage [which] exacerbate the spiral of mistrust”(41). The differing positions on policy implementation expose the greatest difference in the method of the dove and the internationalist perspectives. While the two policies share a focus on diplomacy and American international moral standing, the internationalists favor an active policy agenda. In addition, dove’s national focus does not clearly emphasize the role of the United States on the world stage instead implicitly argues that the US should serve as the Western prototype and other nations should follow its example through enacting similar domestic reforms. Lindsey’s mention of “exaggerated fears” pairs with a dove critique of the perceived over militarization pursued by the hawk position. On the domestic front, Spade does not mention civil liberties and argues for strong national executive to undergo necessary but unpopular reforms. Unlike Spade, Lindsay briefly mentions the balance between privacy and security. The difference in perspectives relates to the differing views on the fundamental problem of China. The hawks believe that China is to be ultimately feared, while the doves argue that there are unpublicized American strengths that keep the status quo in

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