
Down Syndrome Determination

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Extermination of Down Syndrome Low muscle tone. Small stature. Upward Slant to the eyes. Single deep crease across the center of the palm. These are a few common physical traits of individuals with Down syndrome. However, every person with Down syndrome is unique and portrays each characteristic at a different degree. Individuals with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome 21. The additional genetic material alters childhood development and causes characteristics associated with the disease. Non-invasive prenatal tests, known as NIPT, analyze the amount of chromosome 21 in the mother’s blood at 10 weeks pregnant. This eugenical testing leads to the extermination of those with Down syndrome. Not only have the abortions rates increased since …show more content…

The Journal of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disability compared the attitudes of parents of children with Down syndrome in 1970 to those parents today. Forty percent of parent’s today report they have been confronted with accusations that their child could have been avoided (Shiver 10). Although policies over the past thirty years have become supportive of people with Down syndrome, parents frequently receive the message from society that they have chosen wrongly to deliver a child with Down syndrome. Parents do not want to live through guilt or discrimination of society. Therefore, most parents choose to abort their child, if the NIPT is positive. If there were not prenatal testing, there would be no way to determine if the child has Down syndrome before birth and parents would not be questioned why they chose for their child to experience life. In comparison, in Race: A History beyond Black and White, Aronson states, “Physical differences matter. The color of our skin, the curl of our hair, the size of our nose or lips-these are important. How we look is not just a personal matter; it identifies of a larger group” (Aronson 3). Physical differences matter, because those with Down syndrome often portray a small nose, a small mouth, upward eye slant, and flat back of the head. In society, those without the disease are prejudiced against people with Down syndrome, even though they are capable of big accomplishments. “We, those like us, those we find beautiful, are superior. You, those unlike us, those we find alien, are inferior. And yet the idea itself is so powerful because it confirms our ancient sense that those who look different are aliens and enemies” (Aronson 127). A binary has been created in society, that those with Down syndrome are less since they have distinct characteristics. Society negatively influenced parents of those with Down syndrome,

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