
Dr. Adams Authority

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The western worlds of Academia and the Media operate on a set of attitudinal presuppositions. They believe “It is our responsibility to question everything", and to "remember that the ultimate authority depends on the credulity of the reader, not on the message of the narrator". Dr. Adams tries to point back to the author as the authority, not the critic, and in this he is ultimately successful.
Authority is both a problem for us today, unwilling to be manipulated towards a hierarchical cultural formula, and an unstated assumption (if it is based on a larger cultural attitude, not on individual opinion). Dr. Adams is right when he states that he believes the authority of the Bible is the foundational presupposition of Christianity. In the secular …show more content…

Therefore, the individual is happily able to choose between two, often contradictory, authorities, according to the advantages that it brings to him personally. Between these two standards, he can navigate life, and is free from blame, because both standards are valid excuses. Dr. Adams desires to bring this inconsistency to an end, declaring the primacy of Scripture and the necessity of obedience.
This is seen in the "reporter mentality" of modern western media, which believes that the truth will never be known without "those who bravely question the stories given by those in places of authority." They believe that this process of rejection, inquisition, and independent validation is a characteristic of a free and open, secular society. However, these are unfounded
Page 2" of 1" 5 associations. The basic belief is wrong, since the most authoritative meta-narrative, created to control minds and curb questioning is the secular/evolutionary/socialist/liberal story, which is an iron cultural rule system that is now internationally enforced by almost all large governments.
The personal view can differ from all others, but it is the larger cultural worldview, …show more content…

The academic world holds this view as well, giving degrees to those whose personal views do not supersede the culture's claim to authority, regardless of the actual effectiveness or helpfulness of their views. The philosophical definition of truth as a reflection of a historically self-evident reality is discarded for the simpler idea of a peer-reviewed process of checks and guards. If something has made its way through this form, and everyone does this dance, then the truth is established (relatively, without a claim
Page 3" of 1" 5 to absolutes) unquestionably. The world is then free from uncomfortable questions and philosophical arguments, free from the necessity of repentance and the transcendent morality of a
Creator God, and thus relieved of the process that had absorbed the intelligent and wealthy for millennia, people can focus on what "really matters", the economy. A perfectly crafted cultural machine for the creation and management of wealth. A perfect cover as well for a dangerously flawed philosophy that cannot stand contact with more absolutists views (i.e. the cultures of
China, Russia and the Middle

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