
Dr. Jonathan Stecyk's Cardiovascular Responses To Limiting O2 Levels

Decent Essays

Dr. Jonathan Stecyk is a comparative physiologist that studies how animals adapt to their environments. He is an associate professor in the Biological Sciences department at the University of Alaska Anchorage as well as an Alaska Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) Faculty member. He has attended many prestigious universities in Canada including Augustina University College and Simon Fraser University and he also received his doctorate from the University of British Columbia. His proudest professional academic achievements thus far have been earning the Cameron Award: for having the best Canadian zoology thesis of 2007 and writing a chapter called “Cardiovascular Responses to Limiting …show more content…

When asked how he came up with the idea to study this aspect of turtles, after all of the other research that has been done both by himself and others, he said that this was a “beer- and a grant project”. He meet and old friend that he had done work with in the past, and they stated talking about heat shock and other potential stressors that may affect turtles and they discovered the lack of research done on the effect proteins have in turtles while talking over a beer. They then wrote the grant to get the funds, and then performed the research. He said that this research can be applied to the biomedical field, to help doctors better be able to treat drowned victims. Along with performing research, Dr. Stecyk also teaches The Fundamentals of Cell Biology (A242) and Individual Research Interests (A498) and is part of a teaching team for Biology 108.These classes relate to his research because they teach the foundations that Dr. Stecyk utilizes during his research; he teaches what he specializes in. These are also topics he teaches in Bio 108. Individual Research Interests teaches students problem solving skills and gives them experience working in a lab so that they have the knowledge and experience required to do their own research in the future. One of Dr.

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