INT. HOSPITAL BEDROOM - NIGHT Later. Eileen puts the card back on top of the stack of cards. EILEEN I won’t be here tomorrow, but I still want you to practice these words. Eileen walks towards the door. Morris moves his mouth trying to pronounce the word cat. INT. HOSPITAL BEDROOM - DAY Caroline feeds Morris ice cream. He ate almost half of the ice cream. She is going to give him another scoop when he starts gagging up the ice cream. Caroline cleans his face. INT. HOSPITAL BEDROOM - NIGHT Boer walks into the room carrying ice cream. Morris finishes the ice cream. But he starts gagging. Boer wipes his face. Boer leaves and Morris continues practicing the words. Later. All the lights are shut off in Morris’s room and he continues practicing the words. INT. …show more content…
Dr. Nettle is outraged, he stands in the room yelling at Ruth. DR. NETTLE HE COULD’VE DIED! RUTH But he didn’t. Dr. Nettle sees the empty milk shake cup laying on Morris’s bed side table. Dr. Nettle furiously storms towards the door. He turns around facing Morris and Ruth. DR. NETTLE I’m going to make unexpected visits to Morris, if I find out that you brought him food from outside vendors you’re fired. Ruths eyes expand from dismay. INT. REHABILITATION CENTER BEDROOM - DAY Eileen holds up a card to Morris. Card reads: Famished A tray of unopened baby food rests on Morris’s bedside table. EILEEN It’s two syllables but I think you could do it. Dr. Nettle pops his head into the room. He stares at the unopen tray of food. MORRIS (to Dr. Nettle) I’m s-sick of e-eat-ing h-hos-pi-tal food c-c-ca-n I-- DR. NETTLE This is not up for discussion, stick to the diet I ordered for you. MORRIS But I’m g-go-ing to s-st-star-- Dr. Nettle walks out of room, slamming the door shut behind him before morris finishes what he has to say. INT. YAFFNA’S PRIVATE PHYSICAL THERAPY ROOM - DAY Yaffna stares at her watch. Morris lays on his back on the table, his arm is slightly raised. YAFFNA (in Russian)
They both went inside smelling the delicious chicken soup. As they went to sit down at the table there was a knock at the door. Buttercup walked over to the door but Westley stopped her insisting that she sat with Jack to eat. He then opened the door to find a royal messenger standing in his door way with his arm stretched out with a letter in his hand. Westley grabbed the letter. As he went to open
On August 18, 2015, I accompanied my mother to UCLA Santa Monica Emergency Dept. Her name is Lourdes Chirinos, she's currently being treated by Doctor Perter Vezeridis.
“They were switched to room 12. There is a cancellation and an available nurse anesthetist and a decision made for the change. Dr. Stevens thought you might have additional work for the department this afternoon”.
Michael struggles with being nice to his aunt esther . in paragraph 1-5 ”one day when michael was sitting at the kitchen table sliding his milk back and forth his aunt knew he hated it there and she asked him and he denied it. when he really did and his aunt in paragraph 1 through 8” . the conversation but it ended with a argument and michael slid his chair back and walked out of the room.
She puts her hand to the surgical mask, as if she just kissed her hand. She touches Morris’s forehead. Mrs. Davis walks into the room.
“Thank you, I do prefer a cup of tea myself” mutters N1 as he scoops up an arm full of papers from the black leather chair. He looks around to find some place to put it and finally decides to place it on the heap in the center of the table.
The sycophant named Tyler was extremely annoying today in class. He kept on doing favors for Mr. Schuit, our history teacher. Mr. Schuit is a chauvinist, always talking about how men are superior to women. He kept on discussing how the wealth gap amongst male and females is fair. Anyways, today he asked Tyler to go buy him some things from the grocery store. I was surprised Tyler did it knowing of his agoraphobia. The bell finally rang to go to fourth period, and I found myself meandering, taking my time to go to my next class, statistics. My statistics teacher, Ms. B, is a virago. I saw some details I didn’t want to see through her diaphanous dress. Ms. B always yells at us when we don’t understand the math problem. She always teaches it
Prior to the school bus’s arrival Gracie she encountered an unknown student entitled Bobby at the standstill. After they boarded the bus it continued along its route until it pulled up at the primary vestibule. Without delay the students went on a search to locate their classroom that one may unite with this year’s classmates and teacher. Gracie and Bobby were both in Mr. Romilly’s class. That day Mr. Romilly’s students had pleasure that day. But Gracie didn't. During lunch someone spread grape jelly on her pencil case and she felt furious. When Gracie took a stride
Turns out it wasn’t all shock chairs and straitjackets like the books and movies had it made out to be. The pale nurse waits until I’m inside before closing the door and taking the lead.
Doug looks about. Unable to recognize Morris, Doug is just about to leave when Morris locks eyes with him. Doug freezes. Completely appalled by Morris’s appearance, thinking it’s another patient. Not realizing it’s his best
Peggy then set down an entire pot of coffee before making her way back over to the counter area of the establishment. With her once more out of earshot, Leland then went back to debriefing Phillip.
During the time we spent together on Friday I realized many things. I realized that I pass by you every day and never took the chance to start a conversation with you. I realized how beautiful you truly are. The way your hair reaches out in every direction but you still know how to make it look as good as if it were straightened or curled. How even though your hair falls off for a season and you are completely bald for another, you still make the world look beautiful but, it is more than your physical characteristics that caught my attention.
Monday at 12:00p.m., I interviewed with Dr. Xiao-dong Li about becoming my research mentor and working in his lab. As a potential mentor, Dr. Li seems to be a nice fit. He has several publications, one for instance: MAVS, cGAS, and endogenous retroviruses in T-independent B cell responses. This paper shines a bright light into understanding Dr. Li’s lab interest and where I may possible it into the equation. As our meeting progressed, I was better able to assess Dr. Li as my potential mentor based on these aspects and other informative topics from our discussion that would personally affect me the most.
“Obviously the hospital.” I mumbled and peeled my eyes open again. “And it Wednesday.” The room was almost pitch black except for a small lamp over by the window.
Out in the hallway, Chloe puts Morris’s respirator in the back of his wheelchair. She squats down next to him.