
Draft Of Personal Philosophy Statement

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7-2 Final Project Milestone Three:
Draft of Personal Philosophy Statement

In the field of higher education, I will welcome with open arms, accept, affirm, and celebrate all students by creating an environment that is equal and inclusive for all people regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, cultural background, religion, family structure, economic status, learning ability, linguistic ability, and/or learning style. I will create an environment that includes positive, challenging experiences that will give each individual a positive educational experience free of barriers with the knowledge that postsecondary education can enhance a student 's overall well-being, increase their chances for personal fulfillment …show more content…

12, 2002). In their research Gurin, Dey, Hurtado and Gurin found that “diversity experiences had robust effects on education outcomes for all groups of students” (pp. 26, 2002). The article further detailed how their research showed when students have consistent diverse experiences” they meaningfully affect important learning and democracy outcomes of a college education” (pp. 34, 2002). When it comes to developing one’s personal educational philosophy, empirical data is important and has the ability to give us information that we can use to assess whether or not our beliefs and strategies we intend to use will be effective and have the outcomes we are seeking.
The established higher education model that I tend to gravitate toward and support in my higher education philosophy is the student centered learning theory also sometimes called learner-centered teaching or a student-centered model. The theory of student-centered learning can be contributed to Hayward as early as 1905 and in 1956 to John Dewey (O’Neill and McMahon, n.d.). The student centered model is driven by a need for a change in the traditional educational environment and when incorporated and implemented correctly we will see

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