
How To Write A Drag Car Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Dragster Car The dragster car is a race car that is for drag racing, racing that is two or more cars racing for a short distance. We are starting a unit on drag racing to learn about acceleration and other things such as mph and speed. This will help if we wish to be an engineer or mechanic for cars. Basically anything that transportation-wise. The actually term of drag racing is because unlike other racing sports, drag-racing is racing over a short distance with more than, at least one car. Students race these model cars because, one, for enjoyment or for training to become an auto-mechanic or engineer like stated earlier. The dragster is also run off things like CO2. Also, they give a chance for the students to be able to design their own car, thus making for …show more content…

This is called one of the most favored of all engineering projects ever done. Most kids like this project because they are hands on, get to get creative, and also get to work with other people, preferably the ones they get to pick, of course. They might also be able to show some hidden talents that they have and show what they can do to the best of their ability, also to get others into drag racing, which has become extremely popular in the past few decades, thanks to action movies and other things like certain toys. Also children get to be hands on like stated earlier, which often helps most people when they are doing something such as drag racing, which can give them a higher edge compared to others whom haven’t tried drag racing like the ones that have. I personally like racing and known for being an extremely competitive person, so I would like to design, create, and race my dragster in a drag race, which I believe that could be very supportive of jobs such as engineering science, also known as rocket science, so I personally would like to do this project for

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