
Personal Statement: A Career In Rocket Science

Decent Essays

My face lit up as I marveled at the three story tall clock operating on blue liquid, large bulbs indicating the hours and smaller bulbs showing the minutes. I ran to the river and dam simulations, eager to dive into the workings of the water. I constructed precarious arches from large foam blocks, slotting in the keystone with the help of my 6’ 4” father. Finally, I filed into the planetarium, excited to experience the astronomical light show. I absolutely loved going to the museum.
In school, I enjoy hands on activities more than anything. I easily spent hours designing the optimal parachute for a bottle rocket in 8th grade science. Similarly, I spent hours estimating the launch height of a kit model rocket in 11th grade AP Physics. Projects …show more content…

My first year on the team, I explored practices of engineering, the design process, and how to machine aluminum. This past year, I was responsible for designing a ball shooting mechanism, which needed to launch 3’’ yellow wiffle balls into a container 8” in the air. Due to our strategy to only shoot balls in the autonomous stage of each match, The mechanism needed to be simple, compact, and reliable. I prototyped, modeled, and manufactured the shooter in 6 weeks, and it earned points that were integral in breaking ties. I also explored project management, maintaining a Gantt chart to help track the team’s progress. Now, I am the Team Lead, which means I am responsible for facilitating communication between all parts of the team and sustaining an environment of learning to advance the team’s abilities. Besides building robots, Outreach events are my favorite part of robotics.. Throughout the summer and fall, we lug the robot down to museums or libraries to show kids the awesomeness of robotics. I took great pleasure in showing how the robot worked to the kids, and explaining the values of FIRST robotics to their parents. The giddy excitement I see on kids faces as they learn how to drive our robot tends to rub off on me - outreach events are very rewarding to

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