
Dream Catcher

Decent Essays

Dream Catcher
Dream catchers are highly respected in my household because we believe in their purpose and also we believe that they truly do work. I hope by the end of my essay you will completely understand what their purpose is and also why we value them in our household.
I am going to tell you a little story and I am only going to tell you because it is winter and in our culture we can only pass on stories during the winter. Long ago in the ancient world of the Ojibwa Nation, the Clans were all located in one general area of that place known as Turtle Island. It is still told by the old Ojibwa storytellers how Asibikaashi (the Spider Woman) helped Wanabozhoo bring giizis (the sun) back to the people. To this day, Asibikaashi will …show more content…

It is essential for life. A baby watching the air playing with the feather on her cradleboard was entertained while also being given a lesson on the importance of good air. The use of gem stones is not something that was done by the old ones. U.S. Government laws have forbidden the sale of feathers from sacred birds, so using four gem stones, to represent the four directions, and the stones used by western nations have been substituted. The woven dream catchers of adults do not use feathers. Dream catchers made of willow and sinew are for children, and they are not meant to last. Eventually the willow dries out and the tension of the sinew collapses the dream catcher. That 's supposed to happen. It belies the temporary-ness of youth. Adults should use dream catchers of woven fiber which is made up to reflect their adult "dreams."
My children have been taught at a very young age the meaning and purpose that dream catchers serve to our family. They each have their own dream catcher that was made by a family member of mine. So not only does it serve as catcher of bad dreams but it also was a gift so that it makes it extra special to them. My children will happily proclaim that they truly do believe in it because they have never experienced a bad dream in their life. As long as I have had a dream catcher hanging in my bedroom I have also never experienced a bad dream as well.
Not only is the dream catcher held with high regards in my household

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