
Dream Essay: My Dream

Decent Essays

This dream happened a year or two from today; I remember that was also the longest day I ever had since there was a school activity and it was a huge gathering that made all the students in my junior high stressed and depressed. So I went home by 6:30 pm from school and immediately rushed to my bedroom to rest, obviously; I did not mind changing my clothes to “pambahay” and not even close to deciding if I should take a bath and cleanse myself to have a good and deep sleep. And then finally I went to sleep, the moment I closed my eyes I felt like I was already sleeping even if I was still conscious that I am still in the process of going to sleep. I saw red, blue, yellow, and green lights flickering and I felt it was dragging me into another world. It happened so fast and the next …show more content…

Anyway going back to my dream, I was already an adult, cuddling with a doctor but I knew I was married to a lawyer because my husband called me and his name flashed on my phone screen, his name was Harvey. Yes, Harvey Specter from the American law inspired television show but it is so strange because I only started watching the show this year yet this dream happened two years ago. The next thing that happened was the weirdest portion of my dream; I was flying roof to roof and literally sticking my body to walls. Everyone in that place was naked and gel-o jelly like. Following that, I fell in to a well, I shouted but there was no voice coming out, and then I landed to an upside down world where everything was upside down except for

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