
Driving with Cell Phones Can Be Deadly Essay

Decent Essays

Have you ever been walking down the road and you see this car just zoom by all the while fishtailing down the road? Nine chances out of ten that person is on a cell phone right? What they don’t realize is that the cops may think that they are drunk. In some cases though being drunk would be a lot better then this. I am here to prove today that driving with cell phones can be deadly. Let’s go back to that scene in the introduction shall we? When you see the person, they may not be talking verbally on their phone but they may be texting while driving. When you text and drive you take your life into your own hands. Literally. Some tell tale signs of a person who is texting while driving could be: Head down, looking from the window to their …show more content…

The person you are texting will understand that you can’t text while driving. If they care enough about you they will anyway. For some reason there is this myth that male drivers are more dangerous and reckless then female drivers. Guess what? Females and males can crash just as easy. And using a cell phone makes it ten times easier. Also age plays no difference in the risk of crashing. One study shows older and younger than 30 drivers experienced the same increase in risk. So you can’t blame crashing on the fact that you’re young or old. If you crash while using a cell phone it doesn’t matter. Another study shows that when you use your cell phone while driving, it ages you. They conducted the study by taking a 75 year old who wasn’t using a cell phone and a teenager who was and it showed down the reaction time of the teenager so that it was the same as the 75 year old. If knowing that when you use your cell phone while driving “ages” you isn’t enough to get you to stop driving with a cell phone maybe this will. Fines in some parts of Canada can go up to $180 dollars if you get caught along with losing points. In the U.S fines can reach up to $100 dollars plus it will go on your record and if you get caught again one state will give you a $50 dollar ticket for each recurring time. Here is the all important question. Is the call so important that you have to die for it? Probably not right? You have a few options on the road when your phone rings. They

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