
Drones Pros Cons

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Although the use of drones may be considered just under jus as bellum, they will also have to be considered just under the jus in bello principles. They will have to comply with the IHL regarding conduct of hostilities (precaution of attacks), distinction, proportionality, and exclusion of weapons considered unlawful under IHL.
The rules for precaution of attack in relation to conduct of hostilities also connect with the principle of proportionality and distinction. Most rules on precaution of attacks are codified in 1977 Additional Protocol I and are of customary nature. According to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) this protocol is acceptable in both non-international and international armed conflict. Among the …show more content…

Using advanced technology like drones poses safe guard such as surveillance cameras on drones that provide life feed on the target and its surroundings until the last second. However, despite these technological advances that may be of help, there has been many failings to protect civilian life. Relying solely on technology does not eliminate the risk of civilians and is especially distrustful when the government is acting in secrecy. In 2012, The New York Times reported that the Obama administration counts civilian casualties as combatants if they are military-aged males in the strike zone, unless there is explicit evidence proving them innocent. This categorization of civilian …show more content…

The use of drone strikes makes people wonder if it is necessary and proportional to the threat. The principle of proportionality prohibits excessive force, taking consideration of both civilian and militant casualties of war. Even if a target is considered lawful under the IHL, the principle of proportionality still applies and any form of attack that is deemed to violate the principle of proportionality is subject to prohibition of the attack itself. The IHL have banned many weapons after WWII for causing more harm than necessary, such as explosive projectiles, chemical weapons, biological weapons, and cluster munitions. And this is only to name a few that have been banned by treaties like the Declaration of Saint Petersburg (1868), Geneva Protocol (1925), Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons (1972), Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (1993), and Convention on Cluster Munitions (2008) to name a few. In the case of Drone warfare, drones itself are not dangerous or illegal, but the way they are being used by the US government raises many issues since civilians are becoming of target whether by accident or on purpose. Verification of the events in Pakistan confirms that militants are not defined strictly to terrorists, but any civilian can be classified as “militants” if they are dressed the same, or even in the same vicinity. Using signal

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