
Drones and The Transportation of Goods

Satisfactory Essays

Transport is essential in most of the industrial activities as well as in daily private life. Logistics plays a key role in any economic activity by linking and mobilizing goods from A to B, adding value in every stage. In few words, it enables trade between businesses and exchange of goods between business and peers.

This essay aims to cover how drones have changed goods transportation, and offer a perspective on how they will revolution this service sector. It is needed to refer a previous Annex 1 and 2, and take into consideration this classification according to the weight, endurance, payload and communication range. It is important to remark that tier III and IV UAVs, employ more advanced technology and smaller drones apply these improvements after certain time. There is evidence that big drones already deliver goods for military activities in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan where accessibility is restrained. Commercial airlines and logistic companies also develop UAV applications trying to integrate them into their navigation systems.

However, for the purpose of this essay only micro and small drones will be analysed. These aerial vehicles are likely to be used by SMEs, due to their accessibility in the market, affordable price and flexibility.

Small UAVs are limited in the weight they are able to take, usually small goods not heavier than 10 lbs., it could be a couple books, medicaments, documents, a package with clothes, even a pizza. But two or more

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