
Drug Counselor Boundaries

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As a drug addiction counselor, it could be easy to allow the treatment of a patient become a little too personal or to be tempted to mix business with therapy, meaning getting into business with the patient, the fine line between what is right and what is wrong can easily become blurred. Boundaries create a safety net for the drug counselor, the patient and the patients’ family.
Drug Counselors should always maintain a professional relationship with their patients and have the best interests of the patient in mind at all times during treatment. Staying within the boundaries, either written or spoken, not only builds trust the patient and their family has with the counselor, but it also help promotes trust with the community and others thinking …show more content…

Boundaries can be an actual or virtual list of what is considered to be appropriate and when it is considered to be a boundary violation or a boundary crossing. “A boundary crossing is a deviation from classical therapeutic activity that is harmless, non-exploitive. A boundary violation is harmful (or potentially harmful) to the patient and therapy alike because it constitutes exploitation of the patient”. (Margarita Baca, n.d.)
A boundary crossing may benefit the patient and their treatment, some have even been considered to be clinically effective intervention [to include, but not limited to] home visits, non-sexual contact and gift giving. Some real life examples of boundary crossing could be a simple hug to the patient, gift exchange at holidays or birthdays, or even going to a play together outside of office hours. Harmless interaction that only enhances the current treatment plan in place. (Ofer Zur, …show more content…

Evidence-based plans are proven, effective treatment plans that have clear goal and priorities. (Holly Forester-Miller, 1996) The ACA, American Counseling Association recommends a seven step model found in the “A Practioner’s Guide to Ethical Decision Making by Holly Forester-Miller, Ph.D. and Thomas Davis, Ph.D. By following the seven steps, it ensures the drug counselor will not have to worry about crossing of violating any boundaries. The seven steps are:
1. Identify the problem- Interrogate the patient and family to be able to gather all the pertinent information to get a clear idea of the addiction.
2. Apply the ACA Code of Ethics- refer to this to see if there are any proven techniques available and apply them accordingly.
3. Determine the nature and dimension of the dilemma- remember to maintain
All the rights of the patient and prioritize them according to the situation at hand. Do the research to ensure the most up to date methods are being applied. Consult with a more seasoned counselor or supervisor for their opinions about a possible plan of action. Reach out to various counseling associations for any advice they may have to

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