When I was first selecting a topic for this paper, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to write about. I wanted to write about something that I could relate to or had some passion about. As I read over the topic suggestions in our syllabus, I saw drug rehabilitation and instantly knew that was I wanted to research. My oldest cousin developed a drug problem when he was in high school. It started with him smoking marijuana then evolved into heroin use when he was in his early 20s. Later, he was arrested and during his time in prison, he went through drug rehabilitation, then after serving his sentence he was released from prison. After several years of being clean, he relapsed and overdosed. Since his passing, I have wanted to learn more about drug …show more content…
Before discussing the specific types of rehabilitation, here are the basic features of a rehabilitation plan. Wallace says that at first, an addict would be kept under legal commitment for an indeterminate period where they are isolated. At the beginning of this isolation, the addict will go through complete withdrawal. Then, a comprehensive study of the addict would be made to determine his/her physical condition, mental state, and the reasons for developing an addiction as well as provide training for some work to provide a livelihood. Once an addict has made satisfactory degree of improvement had been made, they would be discharged to secure place where they could become self-sufficient and away from the negative environment that led to the addiction. However, they are parole system and if addiction recurs, they would be brought back to the rehabilitation center to determine if the process needed to be repeated again (1931). Now, even though this article is dated, the basic structure it discusses is still used today. In an article published in the Jakarta Post mentions five main rehabilitation programs, all which follow structure mentioned by Wallace. In the Jakarta Post, it’s said that the main types of rehabilitation are long-term residential treatment, short-term residential treatment, outpatient treatment programs, individualized drug counseling, and group counseling (2009). The first step of each these treatments is detox.
There are types of approaches to help an individual with recovering from drug and substance abuse. The approaches that are being looked at to help someone recover is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET), Medication Management, Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA), and Community Reinforcement and Family Training Approach (CRAFT).
The material that discusses the therapeutic community and intensive after-care provided the most hope that a program has been developed and shows positive results. This article provided negative results for the inmates that did not continue after-care treatment, along with the positive results of the inmates that did continue after-care treatment. This article had statistics that backed up either route the inmate decided to take. This article would help further research by providing a specific topic to research. It was clear that the inmates were showing a reduction in recidivism when completing treatment within the therapeutic community and following up with intensive after-care treatment. This provides a guide in which topics to further explore in order to further research what treatment methods are working for the inmates who struggle with drug
Getting help for drug addiction is often such an intimidating idea that many addicts continue to use rather than expose themselves to the embarrassment or pain that they have associated with reaching out to someone for help. This is in large part due to the fact that television, books and movies have portrayed drug rehab centers in such a negative light that the reality is actually quite incomprehensibly different than these depictions. Millions of people have gotten help for addiction and gone on to lead productive and fulfilling lives free from the bonds of substance abuse. However, there are plenty still who delayed treatment for one reason or another and suffered severe consequences by doing so. Because addiction is a progressive and
According to rehabilitation work needs, they open drug rehabilitation places to drug addicts; giving support to drug rehabilitation places for the public welfare, and providing necessary facilities and assistance (impact).
Once someone enters treatment, there are a number of addiction recovery options that they may be given. Since every addiction is different, patients are given the unique blend of treatment options that work best for their circumstance. Most patients will need to start by going into a detox program. Afterward, rehab may include options like counseling, peer support and relapse prevention.
Q= what types of rehabilitation programs are offered in prisons? What programs are most successful? What are the principles of effective programs?
Rehabilitation assumes criminal behavior can be improved with non-punitive methods. Rehabilitation, although non-punitive, usually occurs along side punishment. For instance an incarcerated person may be given many rehabilitative options. Mental health programming, substance abuse counseling and even education programming exist in modern day correctional facilities. A judge may sentence someone to attend rehabilitative programming as a part of probation or it may be included as a stipulation in a plea agreement. At the core of rehabilitation is the thought that a criminal is flawed, often through no fault of their own. Poverty, mental health issues, or childhood trauma may all contribute to a criminal life and rehabilitation attempts to aid in a sort of recovery. If a person is cured of their issues, perhaps they will not recidivate.
With the essentials for rehabilitation in mind the mandatory treatment in prison and sometimes in community supervision by giving the
The US Correctional System gives a lot of offenders the chance to change their ways, by helping the rehabilitate them self’s. Rehabilitation is the attempt to reform an offender or also used a rehabilitated meaning the reform of an offender (Schmalleger). Forms of rehabilitation in the correctional system would be court ordered by a judge for an offender that is addicted to drugs or alcohol to be sentence to rehab to kick there addiction. This can be very helpful for repeat offenders that crimes they commit are due to their addiction to drugs/alcohol. There are different kinds of programs to help with the rehabilitation of an offender, programs such as “Office of Program Accountability and Support: This office supports the division by providing support services, and overseeing data collection and analysis of participation within programs offered to inmates and parolees. Office of Offender Services: This office is broken into two separate units. One supports the In-Prison Programs, and the other supports Community and Reentry
Currently, America incarcerate a higher percentage of its citizens than any other industrialized nation in the world. The negative impact of addiction to alcohol and drugs on American culture and society is inescapable. Although various treatment models have been developed and implemented over the years, a monumental number of people struggling with substance dependence continue to be under treated. Whereas, many people are questioning the criminalization people face because they ingest or consume drugs, for the most part, the criminal justice system focus more on incarceration instead of rehabilitation for the offenders and addicts.
Too many people try to keep their addiction a secret for a wide variety of reasons. Many are worried about legal problems, others are concerned about family reaction, while an even larger number don 't want to lose their job. That 's why so many people are concerned about whether or not they can keep working while in drug rehab. Thankfully, the answer is mostly positive, though maintaining that balance may be a challenge.
Prisons are reaching their capacity limit, while the substance abusive inmates make up most the population (“thenationshealth.apublications.org”). Though they serve their time, many of the inmates do not have the opportunity to access treatment while in prison (United States,2003). Due to that the National Institute on Drug abuse they have come up with economic treatment plans that are available for those convicted of crimes related to drugs, alcohol and substance abuse. With successful treatment plans the the inmates gets through their addiction and when the time is over they end up being productive to the community while they have a lesson to teach others that anything is possible with determination and right process of recovery. Drug court is another form of providing education to addicts and advocating their future. Per the research that was conducted in California called enhancing drug court by one drug court it showed tremendous improvement by the services they offered. The services include vocational and educational training which prepares them for employment and stable life. The training was divided into sections that one would choose from for example: residential treatment, specialty programs, alcohol recovery group, mask of addiction The table below shows how the services helped inmates achieve in
Rehabilitation, what is rehabilitation? Rehabilitation is the action of restoring someone to a normal life through training and therapy after incarcerated, addiction or illness. Rehabilitation can be used for an offender who has committed a crime and is incarcerated, someone who is struggling with addiction or illness. Rehabilitation was originated in 1779 by the British Government as part of the Penitentiary Act, rehabilitation would consist of punishment along with treatment for the offenders. (Benjamin Disraeli 2004). The purpose of rehabilitation is to treat the offender in order for the offender to return to society and be able to contribute, rehabilitation is also a punishment for breaking a law.
Rehabilitation is more of a therapeutic method to help the criminal ditch crime and become a constructive member in society. “Rehabilitation involves teaching inmates silks and trades that will, hopefully, give them a chance to become law-abiding citizens once they are released from prison” (Long). This method is looked at as more of a treatment than a punishment, to guide the criminal to make better choices and live a better life.
These treatments could be given on out-patient basis, in-patient basis or on short-term or long-term residential basis. There are variety of professionals are giving service for drug addiction treatment. These professional are physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, rehab counselors, social workers, nurses, etc..