Drug trafficking is the worldwide manufacturing, distribution, and selling of illegal substances. Organizations called drug cartels are the illegal businesses that conduct this trade. According to the UNODC, Afghanistan is the world’s largest producer of heroin and other opiates, and the majority of opiates produced in the world are trafficked through Afghanistan’s surrounding countries. North America accounts for 40% of the world’s cocaine consumption, and Colombia is one of the largest cocaine suppliers for both North America and Europe. Peru, Bolivia, and Central American countries are some of the main cocaine suppliers in Europe. One of the first global drug conflicts were the Opium wars (beginning in the early 1840’s), a series of conflicts …show more content…
1,700 kilos of cocaine are approximated to be dealt through Costa Rica by the end of 2016. In 2014, more than 20% of the country's GDP was being used for drug trafficking, drug production, corruption, tax evasion, and other crime. For most of the 2000’s Costa has led Central american countries in drug confiscation, and the country’s police organizations have been coordinated to focus their efforts on patrolling ocean and sea routes for smuggling. Costa Rica is also working with the US, Colombia, and Panama to diminish this problem. Unlike many other countries, especially in Central America, it is not a criminal offence to possess drugs for immediate personal use. Many Central American countries including Costa Rica are wanting an international debate to reform drug legislations. In 2013, Costa Rica allied with the US to prevent drug cartels from infiltrating the country. Besides improving security measures, Costa Rica has not proposed any major resolutions to the drug trafficking problem. One method of prevention that the Costa Rican government would be in favor of is focusing their efforts on shutting down drug cartels. Drug cartels in particular pose large threats to many Latin American countries around Costa Rica, and disbanding these cartels should be the main focus for this region. If drug cartels were no longer a threat, Costa Rica would not have to fear being overtaken by these organizations, and the drug supply around the rest of the world, especially Central America and the US, would be greatly
From the third world of many South American countries, to the third street projects in the inner-city, to the third floor of a downtown luxury loft, cocaine is prevalent and being used. The business of the coca leaf is a billion dollar a year industry, if not more. Our foreign counterparts are profiting in full off of the drug. Mexico, Peru, and Colombia are some of the countries in Central and South America that are profiting and manufacturing cocaine.
Baylee Staufenbiel the popularity of the icon in several cultures, and what has been brought under its patronage (armies, cities, etc
Over the past decade drug cartels has had a free flow through Central America to import illegal drugs to the U.S. Even with a strict drug policy drugs are still crossing the Mexican border. Due to corruption and political influence drug cartels are able to manipulate the government to go undetected. The drug cartel is infamous for their ability to kidnapped, corrupt, and kill anyone trying to crackdown or expose any operation. Due to this corruption within local governments drug activity has been able to flourish causing countless lives of innocent people.
Substance abuse and consumption have become an epidemic in America. The use of drugs results in countless drug-related deaths and causes states to spend billions of dollars to combat drug trafficking. Drugs are shipped in by sea, air, automobile, and even smuggled in by person. These drugs are supplied by drug cartels. These criminal organizations where formed to promote, control, produce, and distribute narcotic drugs. While these cartels operate from all parts of the world, some of the most infamous are the Mexican and Columbian Cartels. America has put policies into combating drug trafficking, however these policies are not
Costa Rica does not seem to be a prime target for terrorism. There is virtually no connection with the violence going on in the Middle East or with Islamic extremism. In contrast to many Central and South American countries, there is little to no clear violent opposition to the country’s national government. There is, however, increasing violence in relation to the drug trafficking trade. Every few weeks someone is found executed; however, this is generally limited to
The international drug trade from Latin American states is having an impact on a global scale. The trafficking of drugs along with corruptness and murder is an international conflict that is being fought daily. There are many aspects of the drug war from Mexico and other Latin American states which have effects on United States policy as well as policies from other countries that participate in the global suppression of illegal drugs.
In the United States there are “2,300,000 people are in jails or prisons today. Incarceration is one of the most common forms of punishment in the country for those who choose to commit crimes. This number includes those who are jailed for a short period and are released on probation, as well as those who are doing time for the rest of their lives. (soapboxie, 2016).
Children start out playing games with fake money and little trinkets, as people get older the little trinkets become more valuable and the money becomes more important. Objects like electronics or houses come into play and all of the sudden it is no longer fun and games. That is why crime rates and drug trafficking in Colombia went up in the 1990’s and the U.S. stepped in to aid the country. Plan Colombia was created in 2000 under the Clinton administration as a way to stop drug trafficking and the 40 year old armed conflict between the FARC and the Colombian government. Plan Colombia was a smart plan on behalf of the Clinton administration in light of the fact that it met all of it’s objectives such as ending the civil war that broke lose
Drug trafficking has become an increasingly growing problem in the world today. Illegal drug trade is a worldwide black market consisting of production, distribution, packaging, and sale of illegal substances. Although today’s "War on Drugs" is a modern phenomenon, drug problems have been a common problem throughout history. The market for illegal drugs is massive, when we consider the estimated global drug trade value is worth $321 billion (Vulliamy). The most drug trafficking happens on the border between Mexico and the United States. Former Mexican President Felipe Calderon said, “Our neighbor is the largest consumer of drugs in the world. And everybody wants to sell him drugs through our door and our window”
Costa Rica is one of the top destinations for college kids around the world but people might not think this is the safest destination after finishing this travel article. Costa Rica may trick people with the diverse flora and fauna, beautiful beaches, and biodiverse rainforest but there is a lot more going on behind the scenes. Most recently Costa Rica has been targeted to traffic drugs, sex trafficking has become the income source of several towns, there are cases of crime targeted at tourists and due to all of this, the country’s crime rate is increasing at a fast and dangerous rate
Drug trafficking is the worldwide illegitimate trade, which involve the cultivating, producing, distributing and the selling of materials that are subject to the drug proscription laws. There are a number of drugs which are trafficked into the United States. These include, but are not limited to heroin, marijuana and cocaine. The system of drug trafficking in the United States as well as in other countries and continents remains very complex. Although the government and non-government bodies have set important laws to exclude the practice, drug trafficking has been a disturbing problem for many years. Many people who venture into this dangerous and prohibited business do it in search for money. It has been a belief that drug trafficking gives people a
Colombia has shortcomings, for example, drug trafficking. This is mostly why the administration is degenerate and why the agitator powers are causes struggle. The revolutionary strengths are another shortcoming in light of the fact that is placing Colombians in threat and making more issues for the effectively shaky government. Additionally this inside clashed is making individuals move to different zones of South America. In 2011, Colombia had a recorded 3.8 million dislodged individuals. Religion is not inexorably a weeknes, but rather it can be while considering the Millennium Development Goals. Religion can bring about some contention with upholding the objectives that don't concur with religious
The large country of Mexico is currently having a long and hard battle against the raging and harmful issues that threatens to destroy humanity. Drug trafficking has become the king of these issues, with the other issues slowly branching off as subjects to serve their king. Currently, Mexican drug cartels dominate the wholesale illicit drug market, earning $13.4 to $49.4 billion annually. Since this investment is extremely large, it has become an exhausting challenge to try to destroy the drug trafficking as it threatens to hurt innocents.
Drug trafficking is a major issue in Colombia, causing many other issues across the country. Many people involved in the drug trade including civilians are being killed, kidnapped, and injured over this problem. Over the years, the government has started cracking down on the growers, producers, and sellers but so far, they have only caught minor criminals. The government is making agreements with neighboring countries and finding alternative uses for the crops to slow down the production of drugs. Despite all of the efforts being made to stop drug trafficking, violence, and production the cartels are still thriving throughout Colombia.
However, the history keeps repeating itself. Not long ago, the country of Panama had become a headquarters for cartels and shipments of drugs in Latin America(Drug Trafficking). Due to the arising problem, an increase in trafficking and drug related crime have begin to occur. Simultaneously, new drug networks have become established in the Latin American countries of Venezuela, Brazil, and Argentina as well(Trinkunas). From the new networks, drug use and distribution has been steadily increasing throughout the entire region. To emphasize this point, statistics show the he average drug consumption throughout the world is 3.9 percent, while Latin America has a drug consumption average of 4.8 percent(Ragnhild). Although .9 percent does not seem like a significant gap, Latin America is well above the world average rate of drug consumption, which significantly points to Latin America being a drug infested region. The increasing statistics of drug consumption throughout Latin America contribute to their withstanding