
Drugs And Alcohol Should Be Banned In The United States

Decent Essays

Drugs and alcohol shouldn’t be sold in the U.S. For many years it has caused problems and many accidents involving killing and getting people injured. It is a very bad thing that can control people’s minds and make them do bad things. It should be banned in the U.S. for good and should be illegal to sell to people of any age. As the years pass, the age of alcohol and drug consumers have started at a younger age. “More than 23 million people over the age of 12 are addicted to alcohol and other drugs, affecting millions more people…..spouses, children, family members, friends, neighbors and colleagues at work.” ( It is a bad thing that the age of consumers have become smaller, in the future they will be the doctors, teachers, …show more content…

In Las Vegas alone, we have so many car accidents involving drugs or alcohol, that we have some of the highest DUI rates in the nation. “An estimated 10,000+ Nevada drivers are arrested for DUI each year.” ( So many people have been killed throughout years due to DUI. The reason drugs affect how you drive is because you have a slow reaction to things, so if you realize you’re close to hit somebody, you’ll react slower. Drugs can alter your mind and make you do things that you wouldn’t think of doing. Which is a bad thing because you can kill someone or hit someone and not even know. Some start using drugs because their family has done it in the past, they feel neglect, mental disorders, or traumatic experiences during childhood. ( Yes, not all people who drink or consume some type of drugs are the same, I think some can actually be responsible unlike others. Due to what most of them have done, it makes me believe that none of them can do the right thing. In conclusion, I think alcohol and drugs should be banned in the U.S. for good. It should be completely illegal to everyone. It causes a lot of problems and shouldn’t be allowed. It takes lives, breaks families apart and can get others in serious

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