
Dual Enrollment Scholarship

Satisfactory Essays

Applying for the dual enrollment scholarship at Kirtland Community College

How will this scholarship help you with your long-term educational or career plans? This scholarship will help me get a head start in college. It will also help me to reach my career goals in the medical field.

I have always had an interest in the human body and animal anatomy. I've studied it on my own with coloring books, online programs and thru home dissection kits. It is fascinating to learn the numerous ways our bodies function. I completed an anatomy and physiology course through our home school coop. I learned a lot of important information that will help me advance in my education and career.

At this point I'm considering the nursing program at Kirtland. My dad completed the nursing program from there and is happy with the education he received. The scholarship will help me to get credit for high school and college. I'd like to get as many of my basic college courses completed as early as possible and begin my nursing degree. My current goal is to have one year of college completed by the time I graduate from high school. I'm also interested in gaining a CNA prior to my nursing degree. Having my CNA will allow me to help to pay for my education and living expenses as I complete my degree at Kirtland. …show more content…

Hard work and learning new things is always something I enjoy. Several of my friends are dual enrolled this year and share that it's been a positive experience for them. I'd appreciate the opportunity to get this head start on my career

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