
My Academic And Career Goals

Decent Essays

Going to college has been a dream of mine growing up. I am the first ever in my family to go to college but figuring out how to pay for it has been a challenge. I desire to achieve my academic and career goals and this scholarship can help me succeed in my journey.
One of my academic goals is to graduate high school with an honors diploma and increase my G.P.A to a 4.3 at the end of my eighth semester. After I graduate from high school I want to attend Western Nevada College to earn my associate’s degree in criminal justice. When I have accomplished that I will transfer to the University of Nevada, Reno to study criminology. When I have finished my studies I want to obtain a job in the government so I can help victims and their families get the justice they deserve. …show more content…

I have participated in cross country and track and field and have gone to the state championships three times. Academically I have acquired a 4.28 G.P.A and I rank seventh out of 87 in my class. While I was in sports I excelled academically and was awarded Nevada All-State Academic Team for three seasons. I am part two clubs, National Honor Society and Future Business Leaders of America. I am proud to be vice president of Future Business Leaders of America, to help coordinate the underclassmen so they can keep the club alive in the following years. One of the most memorable accomplishments in my high school career is receiving Rotary Student of the Month for math and social studies. The Rotary Club rarely gives out this award to a student two times and I was fortunate enough to receive it both

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