
Dual Immersion

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We moved to Fairfield/Suisun when I was in 7th grade during the 2011-2012 school year. I stated the dual immersion program in first grade until 6th grade. I started at PSA in 9th grade during 2013-2014school year. Yes my mom is a single mom and she's been single for about 15 years. They separated when I was two and they used to live in LA together, but they were never married. They separated because they couldn’t get along, so we would see him every other weekend (but they kinda stopped around 8th grade because he didn’t have a car because the one he had broke down and he couldn't pick us up and my mom didn’t like driving to Oakland. He moved back to Oakland and my mom to Vallejo until we were in preschool (went to preschool in Napa too), …show more content…

I’d think that I’d like working with people because even though I am alone most of the time, I still know how to communicate with people and make friends. Psychology gives an explanation for why people do what they do and I like to understand things. With psychology you have to be good at observing, which I like to think I’m good at. I also like how there are a lot of fields that re encompassed in psychology so it gives me the ability to take one degree and be able to have a pool of jobs to choose …show more content…

For one, I would have the opportunity to be independent, which is something I really want for myself. Then the classes at Webster University are small, so it would be easier for me to get some one on one time with the teacher. I like being able to talk to my teachers and I’d rather not be just another face in the crowd, like at a big university. On top of that, the Netherlands is internationally known for having a good educational system. All these degrees are dual degrees, which means I can use them to work there or in the United States if I choose to move back. I’m not really to worried about it being a bad experience and getting home sick. I do good on my own and I feel like if something isn’t that fun then you just have to figure out how to make it better. For instance, I did baseball and everyone was really good because they had been playing since they were little and it was my first year. Since it was my first year I just sucked. Honestly it wasn’t that fun plus I had to ride my bike to practice and that was always all the way at Allan Witt Park. It really sucked when it was hot because I would have to ride my bike wearing that baseball uniform (since there was no where to change) and I would sweat like crazy (which happened when it got closer to the summer months). So I would be kinda tired when I got there and I still had to go through an hour of practice and then on game days, a 3-4 hour game, so I got little

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