
Dunstan's Spiritual Journey In Fifth Business

Decent Essays

In the novel, Fifth Business, we are introduced to a boy, Dunstan, whose journey goes through the process of individuation. Thus, his physical journey coincides with his spiritual journey. As Dunstan goes through his journey, with the help Diana Marfleet, Padre Blazon, and Liesl Vitzlipuzli, they serve a purpose of helping Dunstan define himself to grow towards individuation. Dunstan has lived a tough life with guilt in his hands. After being in a coma for six months, he meets Diana Marfleet. Dunstan and Diana go through a deep, intimate, sexual relationship where Dunstan undergoes new experiences which leads him to see Diana as “The Mother Figure”. After a period of time, Diana had “fed [him] and washed [him] and lured [him] back into this world when [he] was far away”. She also, “[taught him] to walk, showing the greatest patience when [he] was most clumsy”. (81) Through their relationship, Dunstan has experienced the …show more content…

Blazon tells him that he “must find [his] answer in psychological truth, not in objective truth” (169) where he is to understand why he feels such obligation towards her. Moreover, he tells Dunstan that “God is subtle, but He is not cruel” (169) explaining that the misfortunes of Mrs. Dempster’s life was likely a part of God’s work and that Dunstan should not feel guilty being that he should “forgive [himself] for being a human creature” (170) who makes mistakes as well as others. Therefore, Padre Blazon, “The Wise Old Man” has given Dunstan more insight on his life by sharing his wisdom and guides him towards his individuation. Dunstan comes across a hideous woman, Liesl Vitzlipuzli, who teaches him a moral lesson about secrets. With the help of Liesl, he has come to the moment where he faces his Shadow; more likely his devil. As he faces his shadow, he confronts his own guilt; thus, becoming his own

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