
During The Last Couple Of Years, Chicago Public Schools

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During the last couple of years, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) have gone through many difficulties; ranging from teacher strikes to low funding, which has tremendously taken a toll on the students attending these schools. The Illinois Policy Institute, which writes to inform the public of issues affecting Illinois states, “Seventy-five percent of students at the lowest-performing elementary schools failed to meet standards on state exams. More than 20 percent of these students scored in the lowest category in reading, meaning they have a difficult time determining the main idea of a persuasive essay or the plot of a short story…Students at Chicago’s lowest-performing high schools drop out at nearly 12 times the rate of average Illinois …show more content…

That’s according to a Fordham University marketing professor who has made an estimate…80 million: The number of homes that carry her new network, OWN… 300,000: Average number of prime-time viewers who watch OWN at night…” (1). Oprah’s Empire can draw in the attention needed to help CPS become successful. By attracting the attention of the nation, the Illinois government will try harder to fix the problem, and more funding can be put in the school from private philanthropists around the nation (even from Winfrey herself). Oprah Winfrey is the best known icon of philanthropy. She has given away more than three hundred and fifty million dollars towards charity organizations also known as The Angel Network, which provides charity grants to various countries for poverty, disease, education, homelessness, and child neglect. The funding’s have helped changed the lives of many, as Ryan Haggerty from the Chicago Tribune states, “Years removed from high school and busy raising her family, Bertha Medrano figured she 'd never realize her dream of becoming a teacher. But thanks in large part to a $25,000 grant from Oprah Winfrey 's Angel Network to the Logan Square Neighborhood Association, the Chicago resident is just months from earning a college degree and likely teaching for Chicago Public Schools…Harpo doesn 't track how much of Winfrey 's overall giving goes to Chicago-based organizations, and it 's

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