
Dysgraphia Assessment

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Dysgraphia is a learning disability that affects writing abilities. It can manifest itself as difficulties with spelling, poor handwriting, and putting thoughts on paper. There is no single test to diagnose dysgraphia, but it can be indicated based on the results from a number of assessments. Based on the book, ISC-IV Clinical Use and Interpretation: Scientist-Practitioner Perspectives, there is a process to determining dysgraphia, beginning with obtaining a developmental, medical, educational, and family history to rule out other problems. Then determine if the student meets the criteria for attention deficit disorder. Administer the WISC-IV to get Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Reasoning, Processing Speed, and Working Memory …show more content…

The student then presses a key according to whether the numbers match. In Number Comparison, the student is shown two numbers, and asked to select the larger of the two. This is a relatively easy task, but the speed at which students select the answer can contribute to the diagnosis of dyscalculia. The final test is the Academic Achievement Test. This is a test with addition for younger students, with multiplication added for older students. Basic math problems are shown, with the answer. Students must decide whether or not the answer given is correct. Like the other tests, the problems are easy, but the reaction time is a key determinant in the diagnosis. The results at completion are given as a standard score, and are displayed on the computer in printable form. Dyspraxia Dyspraxia is the partial loss of the ability to coordinate and perform skilled, purposeful movements and gestures with normal accuracy. ThIs disability affects gross and fine motor skills, the planning and organization of movement, and speech and language. The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency- 2nd edition (BOT-2) is commonly used to diagnose thislearning disability.

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