
Dyslexia- Literature Review

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Chapter 3: Literature Review
Supporting The Child
One of my primary focuses was to find out how different literatures dealt with Dyslexia and how best to support the child. Dyslexia can be described from a number of different perspectives as we see in Ball et al (2007) who explain that it can be “how one learns (Cognition), what parts of the brain are involved (neurology), what genes are involved (genetics) and behaviour (p14). Their book entitled ‘Dyslexia: An Irish perspective’ is very relevant to my research as it gives a great insight into the history of the special education sector in Ireland. It also looks into some of the key debates that are facing the educational sector today.
Perhaps most importantly this book dedicates a full …show more content…

Since all Dyslexic children differ from each other and learn differently it is crucial that parents and teachers incorporate all of their senses into the learning process as their visual or auditory processing may be impaired. Lawrence states that a child may pass a hearing or vision test quite easily, yet they may not be able to process this information into their memory. This shows how simple exercises can have a long lasting positive effect on the child in these early school years.
Reinforcement is a key practise when dealing with children who suffer with dyslexia and in Townend and Turner (2000) they explain that “children with Dyslexia need many opportunities to practise the skills they have learned and to preserve them in long-term memory and Practise work must be presented in a variety of ways to maintain interest” (p19). Note taking can be difficult for Dyslexic children so a slow pace should be taken or better still to arrange for notes to be photocopied. Tasks also need to be concentrated on things like worksheets and not just the blackboard where students may become inattentive or inactive. When arranging work assignments it is also a good idea to care to have clear presentation, with large text, bold heading and as many visual aids as possible. Herold(2003) describes ways in which teachers can adapt their teaching methods in order to

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