
Dyslexic Child Development

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Dyslexia is a family problem as well as an academic problem for children around the world. All cultures are affected by it. The entire family has to deal with the issue. It can be recognized as early as kindergarten, (Zieman). According to Theories of Childhood, Second Edition, “Vygotsky believed that learning and development are similar but not identical. The combination of instructing the child and honoring the child’s individual development optimizes learning.” When children are silent from socializing and are quiet most of the time, there is no way to observe them to get a complete assessment of their learning according to Vygotsky (Mooney, 2013). A dyslexic child whose self-esteem has been lower or the child has been called names, may …show more content…

The ecological theory created by Bronfenbrenner consists of the microsystem, mesosystem, exo system, macro system and chronosystem. The microsystem includes home, school, work, family, peers, and caregivers. A child with dyslexia affects the whole family. The microsystem is the environment around the child and their social interactions. The mesosystem is the interaction between the different parts of the environment that the child has in his or her microsystem. The mesosystem is interconnected with the microsystem and they are influences upon one another. A child with dyslexia needs the environment to help him/her succeed. The parents and teacher communication can help assist the child with socialization skills in their surrounding environment. A parent should assume an active role in their child’s life by attending school functions, PTA meetings and volunteering because it has a positive effect on their child. A child with dyslexia has feelings of guilt and cannot understand why they do not learn like other children, but when you have the ecological system theory with the support of the environment and their surroundings; it helps the child in their development. The exosystem involves a setting that does not involve the child as an active participant, but it still affects them (Rosa, Tudge, 2013). The dyslexia child could have a teacher that thinks the child is lazy, has behavior problems due to his learning disability, so the child is withdrawn, and does not participate in class. The environment at home is the total opposite of the school environment; the child has no problem completing the assignments at home. The macro system affects the cultural environment where the child lives. The child may come from a poor family and it

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