Understand Child and Young Person Development
2. Understand the factors that influence children and young people’s development and how these affect practice.
Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of personal factors.
Personal factors are those which are part of the genetic make-up of a child (nature, not nurture). As such, they cannot be changed, although their influence upon development can be addressed to give children the best possible chance to achieve their potential. Personal factors influencing development include:
• Health status: From common colds to serious illness, a child’s health status will impact upon their development in some way. Frequent colds or other mild illness, for
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These children will need additional support in order to maximise their potential in class. A dyslexic child will struggle more than her peers to acquire confidence in reading and writing, which can affect other areas of cognitive development. Her confidence may also suffer, and she may suffer frustration and anger at not being able to do what her peers can do with ease (read a sentence; differentiate between b and d). Whilst considering the effects of personal factors on child development it is worth mentioning that some factors may influence development in an advantageous way. For example, a dyslexic child may be able to think more creatively about certain types of problem solving, or they may be very artistic. This can have a positive influence on social and emotional development. Every child is an individual and the better that personal and external influences on development are understood, the better that child can be supported as she grows, learns and develops.
• Genetic inheritance: A child not only inherits physical attributes from his parents, but also character traits such as sensitivity or gregariousness. Both will influence his development, along with other personal and external factors. For example, a child who inherits long limbs from his parents may develop physically at a different rate than his peers. He may be more prone to growing pains, which may affect him emotionally and he may look older than his real age which can cause
- While children are influenced by many things, there are no stronger influences that that of their parents as they are usually their child’s first playmates and while the world expands with each passing year, parental influence is still one of the greatest factors in determining the ways in which a child will grow and develop.
My role as a nursery teacher at Zeeba Daycare can have a very big impact on the development of children in my classroom. It is well known that children often observe what others do and many times will imitate actions they have observed, so it is very important that I set a good example and be a good role model as I could set a good foundation for the development of a child’s behaviour and morals. It is important to teach children that all people are important and valuable, no matter what their gender, race, ability or background is and that it is important to respect and support others that are different to us. Therefore I can affect their development in many good ways by
Describe the expected pattern of children and young people’s development from birth to 19 years, to include:
Children and young people often experience many things which have a direct impact on their development; things such as their family environment and structure, personality, hospital visits, childcare arrangements, and culture.
Describe with examples the kinds of influences that affect children and young people’s development, including:
There are many factors that can influence a child and young person’s development, particularly in relation to their background. The formative years can be termed as crucial in regards to development and any major setback can create many problems for the future.
Effective practice can support children’s well-being and development when looking at a child’s health and physical development. Effective practice means ‘About ensuring that all children get optimum benefit from their experiences in the EYFS. This apparently simple outcome can only be achieved when adults work together to get to know the children s that they can support their play, development and learning.’ (Early years’ matters,2017.) Children’s well-being means the quality of the child and how their life is, and to ensure that they child is happy, comfortable and stable throughout their everyday life. Children all develop at different stages, whether this is through additional needs or family issues or they might have a gap in there learning.
The area a child grows up in has an effect, for example if a child is brought up on a council estate in poor housing they are more likely to have health problems. If parents are not working or have low income jobs they are likely to buy cheaper food and usually this means lower quality which can lead to health problems. Children and their families may have lower expectations. They might settle for the life that id mapped out. If a child lives in high rise flats or appartments they have less oppportunities to play. In poor quality housing there may not be a garden or safe playing area. This is reducing the childs opportunities to develop their physical gross motor skills. This of course is not always the case
If a child is in poor health then this will have an impact on their development. For example, a child with uncontrolled asthma or cystic fibrosis may not be able to run around and be as active as their peers. Therefore, this would mean that his physical development might not be the same. Not being able to play outside would almost certainly affect the social development, as children make many friendships on the playground and at after school clubs.
2.2 Describe with examples the importance of recognising and responding to concerns about children and young people’s development
Explain the reasons why children and young people's development may not follow the expected pattern
Disability: Any child that has a disability such as spina bifida or cerebral palsy could have a huge physical effect on how they will develop. Spina bifida takes place when a child’s spinal cord did not develop correctly while the mum was pregnant. As a result of this a child legs could be partially or fully paralysed and that they could have a curvature on their spine. They could have difficulties controlling themselves when going to the toilet and have deformities in their bones and joints. A child with a physical disability could be at a disadvantage in so many way for E.G. if it were that had restricted movement, then they could find it hard to join in with things just like sports, putting Lego together, staking up things, putting toys
As a practitioner it’s your duty to observe and maintain correct procedures to ensure that the children are offered a stimulating environment which will further allow optimum possibilities for development. All those who work with or amongst children and young people have a crucial role to play in helping not only to shape aspects of their lives, but to also aid in enhancing their future development. Therefore it can be stated that how we set up our own working practices can affect children and young people’s development, as will be identified by this essay; below are areas where one should concentrate in order to further
There are different things that can affect a child’s development in their background these are just a few of them: -
The hereditary influences that affect our human development come from predisposed genetically transmitted roots. These factors such as a person 's weight, appearance, height, and muscular composition are not influenced by any external sources. These genetic factors can play a part in how a person feels about them self during their life.