
E. Coli Outbreak: A Case Study

Decent Essays

An E. Coli outbreak was recently reported in sixteen states. The centers for disease control and prevention investigated the situation and found that chopped romaine lettuce grown in Yuma, Ariz was the source of the problem. The article states that “at least 53 people in 16 states”(Romo, 2018, p.1). have been affected. An amount of five people have already “developed a type of kidney failure called hemolytic uremic syndrome”(Romo, 2018, p.1). Also “The CDC said people in the previous outbreak were infected with a different bacterium, as determined through DNA tests”(Romo, 2018, p.1). So, they encourage people to stay away from “any pre-cut romaine lettuce from the region”(Romo, 2018, p.1). This outbreak has caused mild to severe symptoms, so it is important for public to abide by the CDC, while they strive to seek out a cure. …show more content…

I haven’t heard of an E. Coli outbreak in years, so I was wondering what would be the cause of this one and where was the outbreak located. Years ago when an E. Coli outbreak occurred, a couple lost their son, who was only about 5 years old, due to contaminated meat. I never forgot that tragic event and I wanted to make sure I and my family and friends, were not affected by any E. Coli bacteria in the future. Others articles like “Kim Jong Un Pledges To Shut Down Main Nuclear Test Site In May, South Korea says” or “Burning Man Co-Founder Larry Harvey Dies At 70” are both important articles, from the title, but was not my concern at the time. Once I saw this article portraying to E. Coli, I wanted to know more, than the issue of South Korea or the death of Larry Harvey, which is not healthcare

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