
Essay on Earl Warren: Changing America through Judicial Power

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Earl Warren: Changing America through Judicial Power History does not happen in an instant; history is made through the impacts on the national and international level. Often times, it is one small event that triggers a large reaction from the public. Furthermore, it is one person who can make a difference in the world. Earl Warren was one person who helped shape Americans in the mid-1900s. From working in a law office to becoming the governor of California and finally being appointed as Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court in 1953, Earl Warren had built up tremendous support. In 1946, during his second campaign for the Governor of California, Warren was able to win over the Democratic, Republican, and Progressive parties, …show more content…

White families felt no remorse, claiming that whites were rightfully separated for superiority reasons. Black families felt anger because their children walked through dangerous parts of town for an unequal education. When this was brought up to Kansas’s Board of Education, they believed there was nothing wrong with the education system. The Board argued that all blacks received the same and equal opportunities as white students in other schools. They concluded that their actions were constitutional, as it followed the “separate but equal” ruling established in 1896. The Brown family felt their Fourteenth Amendment was violated. ("Brown v. Board of Education"). The Fourteenth Amendments states to provide equal protection for all citizens of the United States ("14th Amendment"). They appealed their case to the federal district court and, eventually, to the Supreme Court of the United States as well. ("Brown v. Board of Education (1954) School Segregation, Equal Protection."). The Brown vs. Board of Education case was created and trialed in front of Warren Court. As the Chief Justice, Earl Warren’s influence on other Justices would play an important role in the final decision. Warren started the end to segregation. It became the beginning of a court case that would alter black American lives forever. Before the Miranda Rights were established, police forces often used violence to encourage a confession from the suspect ("History of Miranda Rights"). That is

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