At the beginning of his life Dexter has shown early behavioural problems. His father confronts Dexter at an early age, about a atrocity Dexter had committed. Dexter had slain a dog due to the dog barking and it having to annoying his mother. Afterward in his life, Dexter’s father discovers a pack of knifes and other weapons (one of whom has blood on it) which belong to Dexter. Dexter points out that he has used these weapons to kill animals and not humans in order to suppress his urge to slaughter. It is formally revealed that his bloodlust has been with him before he was even adopted and presumably Dexter was born with the bloodlust. Psychopaths, unlike a sociopath, are born psychopathy and not transformed into it thus Dexter may have been
The Jade Peony, is a beautiful short story about the relationship between Sek-Lung and his grandmother Poh-Poh. The story deals with many complicated social and emotional issues including change, death, and acceptance. I chose tradition because everything Poh-Poh did was based off her tradition. The things she did that were based off her tradition were she went through people’s trash to find items to use to make her wind chimes. She also kept her jade pendant in a tiny red silk envelope and in her pocket until her death. Plus she had made her wind chimes out of trash that looked decent for a wind chime.
Looking back on it now I see so many more connections to psychology then when I first saw it. One of them is there portrayal of the nature vs nutrure debate. In flash backs before the death of his mother, Dexter and his brother Brian are show being very nice and normal kids. Then after both of them see their mother murdered in front of them they grow up to be killers themselves. Now this could be interpited as the show being pro nurture; however, the fact that both of them are brothers opens up the argument that it was there genetics that was the qulperite for their
Dexter Morgan from Showtime’s Dexter has captivated millions of audiences around the world. Though his vigilante actions are doubtful, Dexter has fascinated a new generation of people drawn to a career in criminology, especially as blood spatter analysts. In the series, Dexter is a forensic science expert and blood spatter analyst for the Miami Metro Police Division. Like every anti-hero, Dexter has a tragic flaw. Dexter is also a serial killer. To merge his need to kill with his job, Dexter specifically targets other killers. However, even more remarkable and motivating for so many criminal justice hopefuls is the captivating forensic science field of blood spatter analysis.
After season one, I am ready to proclaim, Dexter is the best television show currently on Netflix. Dexter Morgan, is the main character, played by Michael C. Hall, accompanied by Jennifer Carpenter who plays Debra Morgan, his somewhat moody little sister. He is a sociopath, a character with no human emotions, inner moral compass, and he has a devouring hunger towards blood which drives him to kill. He is a blood splatter expert who does not just solve murders; he commits them too. But he had the luck to be adopted by a police officer who understands and accepts him. We see his father in flashbacks, teaching him a moral code, which he strictly follows on an intellectual level. He was taught as a child to follow this moral code, in order to blend
As one studies other viewing and readings such as Silence of the Lambs, Dexter, Perfume, Natural Born Killers, True Blood, Dead until Dark, and The Walking Dead it can be found that both nature and nurture take a part in creating a serial killer. Dexter Morgan is a serial killer that developed a want to kill as a child. Growing up with a foster family he had all the love, nurture, and support of a normal child, but he had a missing part of him with the mystery of his dead mother. Harry, his foster father had recognized Dexter’s need to kill early in life and was able to teach him how to kill properly. Harry was smart in understanding there was no way to contain or stop Dexter’s desire to kill, but he
Jewkes (2012: 103) explains that the age that youth are labelled as folk devils has decreased since the 1950’s and 1960’s, to the point where distinguishing the boundaries of youth and adolescence are ambiguous. It is not exactly clear when the show Dexter (2006) starts to develop Dexter’s inherent need to kill living things following the tragedy; however, in the first episode of the series, Dexter validates that he does not have ‘doli incapax’. This term refers to children between the ages of 10-14 who, according to English law, are incapable of guilt and cannot be held accountable unless the child knows their deviant actions are seriously wrong (Jewkes, 2012: 105). Dexter (2006) portrays young Dexter not to have doli incapax; this is evident when he talks to his step-father Harry and Dexter admits that killing is wrong and he should not do it because he clearly understands the consequences. Although Dexter was fairly young when he said this, it is established that he was capable of knowing right from wrong, making him accountable for violent acts as a
Dexter however, unlike many other killers of his magnitude and caliber, doesn’t just find a way to kill when his urges and “voices” become overwhelming. A special code was developed for him to, in a very controversial way, direct these malicious urges and temptations in a most beneficial way to society, which in this case would be to kill other killers and individuals “deserving” of death. For example, rather than murdering an innocent civilian, this said code would not allow this, and would redirect him to
Dexter was interviewed by Mrs. Emily Hutcheson at the Elmore County Child Advocacy Center. Dexter reported he was 6 years old and enjoys playing with his friends at school and playing his X-Box. Dexter reported that the following day he will be graduating from Kindergarten. He stated that his teacher name is Ms. Matthews. He stated that today in class they made bags to put all of their supplies and pictures in. Dexter stated he lived with Logan Riddle (his step-dad‘s son), his step-dad, Craig Riddle, his mother, his 2 sisters, and Logan McCoy. He stated that his step-father is nice but doesn’t like how he cooks. He stated he felt safe with his step-dad and he never did anything bad. He stated his mom is nice but when she is mad she spanks them
Focus: Keyon will learn to manage defiant behaviors. Ms. Smalls (MHP) and Mrs. Blakeney (MHS) discuss Keyon’s defiant behaviors.
Most would agree somebody who kills people and has sex with their dead bodies and eats them is nuts. Could crimes such as these be caused by someone's childhood? However, those who were killed and those who survived could testify as to what demons lurked inside this killer. Jeffrey Dahmer was one of the world’s most infamous serial killers of all times, with hundreds of serial killers both past and present, Jeffrey Dahmer stands out from the rest from his early years.
The first chapter introduces you to his “Dark Passenger”, his evil self that comes out whenever the urge to kill becomes strong. When the “Dark Passenger” comes out, he cannot control it. This is made apparent in the end when Dexter is struggling to keep himself from killing his stepsister, Deborah Morgan; she is crying for him to stop hovering the knife over her and his only response was “I can’t help it.” Because of his lack of human emotion, he has learned to imitate it perfectly, with the exception of Sergeant Doakes who states that Dexter “gimme the — creeps.” His most impeccable imitation is his charm. He knows how to charm his way out of any situation but this charm also causes Detective LaGuerta to start falling for him and this causes problems in the end. In order to maintain his disguise as a normal human being, he began dating Rita; “After years of dreadful fumbling and embarrassment trying to look normal, I had finally hooked up with the perfect date.” He chose Rita because she just came out of a violent relationship and isn’t interested in sex; this is perfect because the thought of sex repulses
In the beginning of the book, Dexter could be quoted saying things along the lines of “merely because I have no soul does not mean I don’t appreciate art (Lindsay 5).” Phrases such as these were included to set the stage to portray Dexter as a heartless psychopathic killer, and for the most part this completely apathetic façade held true. As the book progressed though, a few small changes could be seen in Dexter’s seemingly bulletproof persona. One major change was seen when Brandon Weiss, the serial killer mentioned before, kidnapped his family and his coworker, Detective Coulter. When Dexter found out, he threw himself in the way of danger to save them; unfortunately Coulter was dead at the scene.
Another thing Jeffrey was considered to be classified as was a psychopath. Jeffrey killed 17 young men and cannibalized them. Cannibalism is a form of insanity or severe mental illness, but in Jeffrey Dahmer case he was neither insane nor was he severely mentally ill. Jeffrey did not have any delusions, hallucinations, or paranoia, which are symptoms that are commonly associated with someone who has severe mental illnesses. Jeffrey admitted to his wrong doing. Jeffrey felt he was in any danger. Jeffrey did not seek help for his behavior, instead, he continued killing people to fill the need for his own sexual pleasure. Jeffrey Dahmer was a psychopathic.Psychopathy has a certain set of 20 very distinct personality characteristics which include
This is usually when they end up killing their first victim (Rodgers). Research done by a professor of psychology, Tomas Bouchard Jr called the Minnesota Twin Study shows that psychopathy is 60 percent heritable. Genetic studies of twins tell us that psychopathic traits are more likely due to DNA then to upbringing. (Brogaard). Their DNA alone makes them a murder, but the way they grew up only influences their
What goes through your head when someone asks,”How did you discipline your children?” Parents will either lead in one of three ways: strict discipline, mild discipline, or no discipline at all. No matter how a parent disciplines their children, there will be complications in a home, but when parents can no longer be “parents” due to others trying to step in and control their style of parenting, that is where a problem comes up. There are people who think that spanking a child is wrong and harmful to the child, and will harm the child psychologically as well. There are people who believe that the only way to influence good behavior is to be their friend; a parent has to be a friend and a mentor in order to create a positive outcome. This