
Early Childhood Observation Paper

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Developmental Observations I have chosen to observe the second video of preschoolers participating in free-play. In the video the toddlers are gathered in the classroom taking part in different activities. The room is a large open concept room with a variety of sections that enable the children’s play. The preschoolers in the video range in age from 2.5 to 6 years of age. While in this stage of development the children should be in the initiative versus guilt stage in life according to Erik Erikson. This is a time when they are able to learn new activies and ideas quickly. The children are more concentrated on successes rather than failures and do things for a simple pleasure of the activity (Brewer, 2007, p.21.). The children in the video …show more content…

• I will collect mats from the classroom. • Next I will lay out mats on the floor so the children will know where to sit when they enter the room and a mat for myself at the head of the circle • Place the stars on each chalkboard and write the name of the constellation on the top of the board • Write on the lyrics to the song “magic ball” on a piece of Bristol board • Write the lyrics to the song “sleeping bunnies” on a piece of Bristol board • Hang both Bristol boards on the wall behind where I will be sitting in the circle • Prepare 5 additional mini chalkboards with dotted lines drawn between the stars for an easier developmental modification. Suggested Procedure 1) Before the children enter the room I will place the mats in a circle and hang the Bristol boards on the wall. 2) When the ten children enter the playroom I will greet them smiling, waving and saying hello. I will place my hand over my mouth to stimulate as if I am talking into a microphone while asking the children to walk like they were on the moon too find a mat inside my

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