
Economic, Cultural, Education, And Sociological Values Of Education

Decent Essays

One thing I did not understand very well while I was in school as a child was that effective schooling shouldn’t teach its participating students what to think, but rather how to think. The way I see it, as I imagine personally and understand from my time spent attempting to comprehend pedagogical theory, is that education’s main function is to help people form dispositions for thinking that they can use to be successful and happy in their lives; frames of mind, or worldviews, so to speak, that enable problem solving and one’s ability to perspectivize the world around them in such a way that they may possess or acquire tact, grace, or passion, and in ways which are honest and productive, indeed conducive to socialized human life. I believe that it is a fundamental human interest to live a good and wholesome life, be it by whatever reasonable qualifications a person may offer for that. People, I believe, desire communication, and have an interest in hearing others and being themselves heard, as do they desire to enact and also act upon cultural or social rituals that reinforce equality and justice, and so forth. The problem with this ideal, however, is that many historical, cultural, economic, psychological, and sociological forces obstruct it. Though my telling of it here may seem abstract on one level, which I certainly would not argue, I also would do an injustice in failing to point out that these are matters of practical significance as well. They are often simple

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