
Power Of Education In Education

Decent Essays

Everyone looks different on the outside, so why make them look the same on the inside? Adolescents are being enrolled into the school systems around the globe everyday, but are they being served the true ‘goals’ of an education? We are being taught what other adult figures think that we need to know, but the relevance may not be as suitable as you think Every student can learn, just not on the same day in the same way.
Getting an education from a school for some reason is considered the ‘key’ to success. The key to our life goals and dream jobs, but why? We are letting a letter grade determine if we are smart or unintelligent regardless of any other acquired talent. Ralph Emerson states in “The Education” text, “the power of performance is worth more than knowledge.” This quote is extremely powerful because it can relate to a child. From day one, children are taught what to think and what they ‘need’ to learn. They are being brainwashed by these schools that should be called factories. Schools kill any sense of creativity and reasoning because kids and teenagers are so overpowered with a fear of failing and letting a letter grade decide what kind of student they are. Failing throws a label on our forehead and lowers self confidence all because test scores are so highly looked upon and all that people care about. Sooner or later, we are going to all be considered robots if we continue sitting on the conveyor belt in a factory. This path is leading us in an opposite way of

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