
Ecosystems And Characteristics Of Dory In The Movie Finding Memo

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Dory gets separated from her parents as a child. As she gets older, she continues to look for them, but she forgets about them because she has short- term memory. While she is searching for her parents, she runs into Marlin who is also searching for someone dear to him, his son. Dory helps him find his son in the film Finding Nemo. One year later, Dory eventually lives with the two on their reef. Dory suddenly has a flashback of her parents. She decides to search for them, but her short-term memory gets in the way. She eventually remembers where they live when Nemo mentions the name of the bay. Dory’s parents lived at the Jewel of Morro Bay. Marlin, Nemo, and their friends in the sea helps Dory on her adventure. They go through a lot of obstacles to find her parents. Dory meets a lot of new friends who are willing to help. Dory’s flashbacks help her remember certain things. She finally locates her parents and return to the reef with Marlin, Nemo, and her new friends. Moreover, the film has biology and ecology related topics in it. Finding Dory shows organisms and how the interact with each other. Also, the film shows different characteristics of the organisms. During the movie, the oceans habitats and ecosystems are described. The organisms explore different parts of the ocean. Dory is a Regal Blue Tang fish who has a blue colored body, yellow fins, and a yellow tail. In the movie, it shows her laying on her side playing dead. Regal Blue Tang fish have lie on their side

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