
Edna Character Analysis

Decent Essays

Here we see that Edna has always been “different” and that she perceived early the difference between “the outward existence which conforms, the inward life which questions.” Again we see the physical descriptions of Edna and Adele relating to their personalities. Edna’s figure is noble and symmetrical while Adele’s (from Chapter IV) is plump and matronly. Here Edna is wearing a cool muslin dress with a streak of brown running through it. Adele is dressed in pure white, in a fluffy dress with ruffles. Edna’s physical being is always described in more masculine terms than Adele’s. Sitting at the beach, Edna, as always, is focused on the sea. She is gazing so intently that Adele asks what she is thinking about. Edna, who is usually very reserved,

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