
Education For Students With Disabilities

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Educators continue to determine the best way to teach students with disabilities. As more children with various disabilities, and other impairments learn with “typical” children, educators continue to learn how to include these students in their classroom. There are challenges and benefits that continue to emerge for educators, children with disabilities, and their non-disabled peers. However, the educational system would agree that education for students with disabilities has improved greatly.
Students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms have shown an increasing number of academic gains in a number of areas, including better test scores, completing IEP goals, grades, behavior and inspiration to learn. Placement in an inclusive classroom does not disrupt the academic performance of students without disabilities; it actually enhances students ' performances in and outside of the classroom. Inclusion helps students build relationships, improve social skills and much more. According to Kathleen (2013), “the types of instructional strategies found in inclusive classrooms, including peer tutoring, cooperative learning groups, and differentiated instruction, have been shown to be beneficial to all learners” (p.2). In my classroom, I have used peer tutoring to help assist the students who have IEPs, this teaching strategy has led to students achieving their IEP goals and increased learning confidence in both students.
Throughout the documentary the Habib family shared their

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