Envision a world where education is distinguished on behalf of where you live. We as privileged human beings, get the opportunity to go to school every day in a country that has already adapted to this. But think about the children who cannot go to school because they just can't pay for it. A vast majority of children that can't go to school are children living in third world countries. There are about fifty-seven million children who cannot go to school because of where they live or because of how indigent they are. There are three main reasons why education funds should be interdicted.. How funds for education can impact our modern day advancements in a negative way, why the phrase strength in numbers massively applies to the scientific and …show more content…
Firstly, the phrase “strength in numbers” heavily applies to the medical world because no one person can make remedies or find out more information without a team to work with. If the board of education can terminate all funds of admission then it will give more people opportunities to learn. In an article from the Campaign for Americas Future, Richard Eskow was quoted of stating "I believe the moment will come, perhaps very soon, when we as a society will ask ourselves: How can we deny a higher education to any young person in this country just because she or he can’t afford it?" This especially goes for the older students who attend university because most of the time, if one learns about a job that will earn them a lot of money, that person will earn more. But the only catch is, admission will cost an overwhelming amount of money. If we think ahead, giving free education will have a positive effect because …show more content…
Following dreams, is a desire of many children that just cannot happen because of where they live or maybe because they cannot afford it. Just imagine a world where everyone can live in peace. Not be scared of each other or live in terror. Making education free would make these things to happen. One may ask how? UNICEF Canada were quoted of stating, "The promotion of education is the most urgent requirement of our time. No nation can achieve prosperity unless it makes education one of its central concerns. Education brings honor, independence and freedom to a government and its people." Feeling more confident and independent can make you more stronger as a person because of the way you believe in yourself. This could immensely change many third world countries and children who live in them. This is like a progressive circle. Many people that live in fear or that live in war torn countries, probably don't go to school because it to dangerous to go outside. But this can be fixed if schools were made and education was free so children could start to understand basics and change into intelligent and confident children. Now they have a base where they can advance from to achieve their goal in life which they probably never even dreamed about before school. Imagine if that happened to all the unfortunate children in the world. Its easy to say that everyone would be happy because of what they had accomplished
Education should not be denied because of financial reasons. Children shouldn’t be denied an education because of their “wealth status”; they should be guaranteed an equal, fair education.
“Education is a major driver of development and is a strong instrument for reducing poverty, improving health, gender equality, peace, and stability” (The World Bank) - so why is it that students are often deprived from an extensive education? In Illinois, education funding has been an ongoing problem. Funding for schools is based on the property taxes where the schools are located, causing those who live in lower socioeconomic areas to receive less educational funding. This is unfair because children who live in lower socioeconomic areas are not able to receive the same opportunities and benefits that are acquired when a quality education is obtained. This is why educational funding in Illinois should be distributed evenly so that every
The strongest claim the author made was that the economy and education are highly intertwined. It is stated that without a public access to a higher level of education, the income equality will grow larger and our country of democracy and prosperity will be in jeopardy. The
Ah, the American Dream. The fundamental idea that anyone, no matter where you come from, can succeed. It is truly a remarkable principle. Today, the American Dream ceases to exist thanks to wealth inequality. Researchers who have studied relative mobility, which measures the chance of someone moving up the economic ladder, found that relative mobility hasn’t changed much over time (Casselman, 1). This means the odds of someone born in the bottom 30% rising up to the top 30% are not good. Too many people are not being given a fair chance to succeed: “Poor children are trapped in dismal schools” (Inequality and the American Dream). Education is very important, especially at the early stages in somebody’s life. Being stuck in a school without sufficient resources to learn effectively, can make or break a child’s future. Also, college is only available to those fortunate enough to afford it: “Only 3% of students at top American colleges come from the poorest quarter of the population”(Inequality and the American Dream). It is not fair that someone’s potential is solely dependent on where you happen to be born. People who disagree think that wealth inequality is good because it creates an incentive for people to work harder and make money. An OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) report says more inequality means less economic growth because the
The United States has many conflicts, one of them is funding on public education. Despite the fact that funding on public education will not help students succeed academically with the money provided to the schools, every school deserves to get as much money because students will receive more proper education and will be more successful students in the future.
Education in America is one of the most important issues that face our nation. If the education in America is not thought of one of most serious issues we face, our nation as a whole will fall. There are many debates and they seemly extend to all walks of life. The debates range from the decline in education, school vouchers, and the no child left behind law. As a nation, the United States is ranked above others. We must search for that solution to all of the pro’s and con’s in education. The solution should allow all walks of life to excel in the education realm. After all, the children of today will be the leaders of tomorrow.
After reading about those who stuck with their dreams, I came to a conclusion. A person’s dream can indeed change the world. In my search for answers, I came to learn about four individuals who had to risk and sacrifice to change the world. They used their dreams to inspire, influence and raise awareness.
Will Durant, a businessman and the founder of General Motors, once said, “Education is the transmission of civilization.” Unfortunately, education is still one of the most deliberated and controversial issues in the United States. Thus far, the privilege or right to receive education has not attained the level of equality throughout the nation; poor districts obtain less educational funding while rich districts obtain more, creating an immense gap between the quality of schools in poor and rich areas.
School funding is a mix of different funding sources like federal, state, and local. About ninety percent of funding for education comes from state and local community. K-12 education has failed to keep up with high enrollment. Schools must spend to counter effects of poverty while many European countries alleviate these conditions through government spending. Currently more than forty percent of low income school get an extremely unfair share of state and local funds. Low income school are receiving inadequate funds for their school, whereas other schools in the United States are unfairly distributing their state and local funds. That is unfair to the low income schools because those schools really need the money for school books, field trips, etc. Funding for public schools has been quite unequal for years, but even though Americans are fully aware of this issue no one does anything to solve it. Researchers are trying to show them both sides of this unequal funding issue in public schools in order to help balance the distribution of educational funding.
Throughout history America has been the arriving place of immigrants searching for a better life. America is perceived as the land were endless opportunities are available. The greatest explanation of the American dream is Martin Luther King, Jr. speech; I Have a Dream. Dr. King speech is more like a testimony of truth, rather than a speech. At the time of his speech African Americans were not free, while the Declaration of Independence states that all men are created equal. Dr. King’s movement established the way for the idea that there is an American dream. The idea that somebody can be anything they would like to be. This idea is still relevant now in America. Americans pursue their dream everyday by having the opportunity to attend
The right to an adequate education is a freedom every American child should have; however, that is not the case. Standardized testing reveals that students living in an economically stable neighborhood are more mentally developed than students living in poverty stricken communities. The problem with the educational system is not schools need to close and children need to be relocated to another one, it is inequality within the educational system continues to widen due to the expansion of the economic gap. One cannot fix issues of the broken system by closing public schools and
Department of Education, “documents that schools serving low-income students are being shortchanged because school districts across the country are inequitably distributing their state and local funds”. (Education, 2011). Students that come from low income families are not given the equal chance to get the education that students from high income families get. If students are not given the tools they need to be educated, then they will have a poor chance of succeeding in the world.
Within the federal government’s budget education is among the most important yet in the year of 2012 the federal government only spent $107.6 billion out of 3.7 trillion which amounts to 3% on education. Compared to other funding categories in the government’s fiscal year of 2012's budget it's clear to see that education isn’t as important to the government officials as they would like us to believe. Many Americans today are lead to believe that education is important to government officials and it receives an adequate amount of funding because they don't know how much funding is put into the other categories of the budget. The funding put into education in the year 2012 is only 1/8 of social security spending and 1/5 of Medicare
In America kids get the opportunity to get a free education but not anyone takes advantage of this opportunity. In countries like Iraq not a lot of kids get the opportunity to get an education. In countries like these only boys are allowed to get an education while girls are forced to stay home not to step foot into a school or get the right to learn and expand their minds. While kids might complain about school or don’t want to go they should think of the children not being able to learn at all. I know that I want to be very successful and so do a lot of kids but education can be beneficial in many ways. Education can save children’s lives, increase income, and reduces poverty.
The majority of the world are third world, so we cannot afford to loose them. Education in the third world is an issue, that if the first world doesn’t fix their population could decline. These countries will then suffer and the world will not be complete without them. Education sis the best option for third world countries and then everyone fights for their chance. First and second world countries need to help and keep their global responsibility running towards the third world.