
Education Is An Important Aspects Of Education

Decent Essays

My goals in terms of my education are to learn as many new things as possible in order to acquire skills that will help me succeed in anything I choose. Education has always been an important aspect of my life. Ever since I began school, I’ve always made sure to take advantage of everything I would be taught. Growing up I was always told that education should come first before anything else and I firmly believe in since I am fortunate enough to be receiving one. I want to make a difference in the overall picture of education. There aren’t a great deal of Latina women in the STEM area and as a female, I want to change that. A part of my long term educational goal is to become a math major and be a part of STEM. I want to be a part of STEM because not only does this group helps develop essential skills, it helps contribute to the development of society’s needs and wants. As for now some of my short term educational goals that I hope to achieve are organization, speaking skills, time management, and leadership skills. I plan to use my short term goals to get to my long term goals. Being in college I have more freedom as to what classes I want to take which means more of a reason to achieve the short term goals since the workload is much more intense and I need to change how I approach things. My classes are very important to me because if they are not something I like then I will not learn anything. For example, one class I will be taking is General Chemistry. Although

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