
Education Is The Goal Of True Education Essay

Satisfactory Essays

“Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.” -Martin Luther King, Jr. Education is similar to poetry, in that no one person’s interpretation is quite the same. An author may have a meaning in mind, but it’s specific meaning is determined by the reader. Similarity, education’s meaning and purpose is determined by the individual, and is often different from person to person. For Martin Luther King Jr. education is not only about acquiring knowledge, but also about applying that knowledge to one 's life and to help develop one’s values. Similarly Ulla Tervo-Desnick states that, “school should help students develop personally and socially, as well as academically.” Both agree that education is not only about the academics, but also about developing a person’s abilities to become a productive member of society. When thinking about schooling most students probably do not think that school is teaching them much more than the curriculum. With further analysis, whether a student is aware of it or not, students are learning much more than just the curriculum. Though academics and curriculum are important, developing personally and socially are vital components of education. Personal development is not something that happens overnight, it is a continuous process. From birth to early adulthood everything matters, and the environment a person is raised in has a large stake in how a person develops. The majority of a person’s early life is spent at school, and

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