
Education Plays An Important Role In Sh

Decent Essays

Education plays an important role in shaping an individual’s career. The level of education helps people to earn recognition and respect in the society. Undoubtedly education is both socially & personally an indispensible part of human life.
However the inequalities in the standards of education are still a major issue that needs to be solved as early as it could be. The importance of education is our life cannot be ignored at any cost. Education is the only way to get knowledge.
For instance, you can gain huge amount of information by reading books for the subject you are interested in such as current affairs, mathematics, exchange rates and so on. Better education can make a person more civilized and useful for the society. One cannot …show more content…

The information we are constantly bombarded with, cannot be converted into knowledge without the catalyst called education. Education makes us capable of interpreting things rightly and applying the gathered information in real life scenarios. Education is not limited to lessons from textbooks. Real education is obtained from the lessons taught by life.

It Leads to Career Progression

"An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less." - Nicholas M. Butler
Education is important because it equips us with the expertise that is needed in helping us realize our career goals. Expertise is an in-depth knowledge about a specific field and it 's ought to open doors to brilliant career opportunities. Education fetches better prospects of career growth. Good education is an eligibility criterion for employment in any sector of the industry. Be it any field, education always proves to be rewarding. We are weighed in the market on the basis of our educational skills and on how well we can apply them.

It Builds Character

"A man 's own manner and character is what most becomes him." - Marcus Tullius Cicero
The words 'cultivate ' and 'civilize ' are synonymous with 'educate '. That says it all. Education is important as it teaches us the right behavior and good manners, thus making us civilized. It is the basis of culture and civilization. It is instrumental in the development of our values and virtues. Education

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