
Effects Of Alcohol On New Zealand Essay

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Alcohol is one of the most abused substance in New Zealand. According to NZ Drug Foundation (2014), 1/3 of the families in New Zealand have a member that is alcoholic. These are alarming because alcohol problems are somewhat unrecognizable. Thus leading to abuse and dependency in time.
Alcohol leads no good to one’s body. According to WHO (2007), alcohol is one major factor that causes more than 200 diseases and injuries. Also, it could lead to developing further into health problems such as behavioural and mental disorders and also it could lead to cancer and liver cirrhosis and cardiovascular diseases. One of the factors that lead to violence and accidents. Alcotrol Organisation was established due to consistent crimes related to alcohol intoxication. One-third of recorded of police crimes in the year 2008-2009 was committed by an individual who is intoxicated, cited by the Auckland Public Health Service (2010). The organisation aims to reduce and stop crimes related to alcohol intoxication. The Organisation vision is to make the country a pleasant place to live.
The Alcotrol made a list of their objective strategic plans in order to guide them to reach or achieve their mission and vision. These objectives were studied well for further implementation with the help of the government and other businesses and businesses. Awareness is one of their objectives that schools should include in their studies the effects and the disadvantages

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