
Effects Of Depression On College Students

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Depression is a commonly known mental illness that is founded not only in adults but, is founded more in College students. The 2012 from the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors indicated that 95% of counseling center directors believe that psychological problems are a growing concern and that depression is one of the most prevalent concerns with 36% of college students affected (Jennifer E. Merrill, 2014). Depression in college tends to lead to alcohol abuse because they are experiencing extreme depression. When college students have depression it affects their ability to perform in academics. Gender plays a big role in depression and it determines which gender consumes alcohol more In this study Gender and Depression Moderate Response to Brief Motivational Intervention for Alcohol Misuse among College Students they tested intervention conditions, gender, and depression. 80% of college students experience depression or poor mental health consume alcohol, and many report heavy episodic drinking (Jennifer E. Merrill, 2014). Depression is founded in college students the most because they are stressing about their academics so they tend to fall into depression which lead them to consuming alcohol. Women in this study shows that they are reduced to harmful drinking without intervention while depressed men are at risk for worse drinking outcomes where overtime don’t go to intervention. In this study they used BMI to search their findings

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