
Effects Of Imperialism In Purple Hibiscus

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In the age of self discovery-- social anxiety, abhorrent abuse at the hands of her father, and the subjugation of the only place she knew home-- a young girl, Kambili, attempts to thwart the oppressive obstacles that withhold her traditional culture and stunt her self-realization. In Purple Hibiscus, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie submerges her audience into the political strife that dawns on Nigerian citizens daily and the menacing consequences of a heartless household, both stemming from the introduction of British imperialism. In the events of mental and physical abuse, a victim may be unaware of the legitimacy of harm inflicted upon them if originating from a parental figure. Eugene, Kambili’s father, has the expectation of raising his children in a genuine effort to educate, protect, and love them, though holds Catholic moral regulations above all. This imperialism affectes the social and economic conditions of Nigeria, bringing poverty and hopelessness to a majority of citizens, exposing inequality of wealth, criminal activity, and violence against indigenous peoples. Corrupt governmental structure pressures individuals into a conformed society-- stripping them of their cultural identities that define diversity. The lingering effects of imperialism impede cultural and political progression; Adichie proves this through intertwining the political climate of Nigeria and the internal implications of the Achike family.
Although Nigeria has a long history of English colonialism

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