Effects of manipulative materials in mathematics instruction. Journal for research in mathematics education, 498-505.
1. Main argument or point?
The paper argues that effectiveness in usage of manipulative learning depends on prolonged usage of concrete symbolic materials in learning and teaching across the ages in child learning process. However, the paper does not clearly outline particular manipulative learning that should be employed across the grades.
2. Structure of the argument: main sub-points and argumentation analysis?
The main sub points in this paper is to determine if there are predetermined situations where manipulative is appropriate for learning and which particular manipulatives to use and when.
3. How does this piece relate to the field?
The piece relates to the field in the sense that it outlines the trainings that teachers undergo that helps them become effective in applying use of manipulatives. It also explores how concrete (give examples from the article and talk more about it)
4. The Why is this piece important?
The piece is important since it helps in outlining if indeed the use of manipulative materials has significance on teachers performance and children learning across the grades. Various forms of manipulative learning are clearly elucidated such as pictorials and use of instructional conditions (talk more about them explain them why they important) that helps to outline the effectiveness of using manipulatives.
5. What were the main
The lesson was carried out February 23, 2017 at La Sierra University in room 105 at the education department. The room was spacious allowing enough space for each student and teacher. The furniture
Another major issue that is addressed in the article is with the teachers and their teaching styles. The method in which most teachers teach their
The teachers coached to manipulate a variety or objects such as; spoons, tweezers, and tongs. The experimental group will outperform the control group during the posttesing.
Which could make it easier for the teacher to focus on his students individually if the class has fewer students. The teacher also organized the desks, by grouping students into groups of four. As a result, the students can communicate with each other more efficiently. This was shown when a student could not answer a question correctly. The teacher asked other students to volunteer to help the other student answer the question. In addition, the teacher also mentioned a situation in which a student needs to have the teacher facing her to better understand the lesson the teacher is teaching. The teacher adds that the student could read lips. Furthermore, there was a student who needed more assistance from the teacher and a personal aid. The teacher described the student as having Asperger’s and a combination of other conditions which inhibit his ability to have an average development. To help the student, the teacher explained to his other students the struggles of the student faces on a daily basis. Moreover, the skills which to possess one day, is the ability to quickly recognize when a student is struggling in class and act quickly to make sure a struggling child could get help. Which I am sure, I could pick up with experience as an
Linguistic instructional methods, such as reading and listening, activate the left side of the brain, while non-linguistic methods, which incorporate the senses and movement, activate the left side. As a result, engaging both sides of the student’s brain in the learning process, through a balanced plan of instruction, is important. Such an approach is also believed to improve a student’s ability to remember and apply that information in the future. In order to facilitate this, the teacher must include the use of non-linguistic representations or cues in their lessons to make challenging content comprehensible. Such elements as visual aids - like graphic organizers, pictures, illustrations or images; hands-on experiences including the use of manipulatives or physical models that students can touch, move and create; physical or kinesthetic techniques using movement including gestures such as hand movements to illustrate concepts; and demonstrations, modeling
I believe that mathematics should be taught using manipulatives, visual representation, and concrete materials so students can easily understand the mathematical concept being taught. For instance, John A. Van De Walle, and the National Council of teachers of mathematics, states that using manipulatives, models, visual representation, and concrete materials, enriches the students’ knowledge. In addition, the students are able to express those mathematical ideas and make relationships between them. I feel that sometimes teachers forget how valuable manipulatives are in a mathematical classroom. In field, every time I go into the math classroom, I see students working with manipulatives to understand a mathematical concept. The students have fun while working with those pattern blocks, fraction bars, base 10 blocks, and many more, while learning about math. I also believe that one as teachers, have to allow students to explore with the manipulatives let them figure out any pattern seen when completing a task. I as an educator do not want to dictate to my students what to do when working with the different models/manipulatives, to get to an answer. I rather let them figure out the answer themselves and find any common patters they see when solving a certain problem. Stein, actually believes that telling students what to do does not allow the students to think or understand the concept. The students will probably get the answer right when working with the manipulatives, but will
Children do not learn just one way, rather there are a multitude of ways that children learn. However, for this paper I will be looking a few ways that children learn. According to Time 4 Learning website (2016), there are currently seven “learning styles”. Theses learning styles are visual, aural, verbal, physical, logical, social, solitary. Visual learners are students that learns best through videos, pictures, and images. Aural learners are students that lean best through music, sounds, and lyrics. Verbal learners are students that learn best through words, so they benefit from speeches, and writing. Physical learners are students that learn through doing things, motions, the use of their whole body. Logical learners are students that learn best through reasoning and logic. Social learners are students that
It is important for children to be able to practise and experiment with different techniques and materials as it helps children to develop control, confidence and technique ; pupils should be taught to ‘improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials’ (DfE, 2013, p 177).
Math manipulatives can have a positive effect on the learning experience of a child. These manipulatives can help students maintain focus and develop a stronger overall understanding of mathematics (Florence). Students respond well to the addition of hands-on activities versus a strictly traditional lecture method of learning. The sense of touch and handling of objects kinesthetically kindles the interest and imagination of the students and assists in building understanding and beyond drill and stimulus-response method used.
Learning is best for students whenever their teacher applies emotion, gives them the requisite support and challenges them. It is through such process that students gain in-depth learning and thus discover their values, abilities, passions as well as responsibilities in learning situations that provide adventure. In most school lessons, students undertake tasks that require them to use their creativity, self-discipline and craftsmanship. It is thus the work of the teacher to assist the students discover their hidden abilities and overcome their fears in applying their knowledge to classroom and job problems through in-depth teaching practice.
This means that they need to have to know effective ways to teach it and how to use the various types, which will be talked about in this paper.
Understanding cognition and how we learn is essential in the developmental stages of children. Not all students learn in the same way, understanding the cognitive process will assist in the development of the students. By modifying my approach when giving instructions I have noticed growth in current students that I am working with. Using concrete materials and giving the opportunity for students to be involved in hands-on activities on a daily basis, is essential in making new material meaningful to learners.. The knowledge gained from this topic has increased my understanding and is benefiting the children I am currently
One of the most important things to remember when dealing with children is that no one is alike, they learn at their own pace and on their own time. Some of the different teaching techniques that can be used to help strengthen children’s
One of the teacherâ€TMs role within the school is to plan, monitor and assess the achievement of children. The lesson plans need to be set so what the children are learning is in line with the
Mathematics is the one of the most important subjects in our daily life and in most human activities the knowledge of mathematics is important. In the rapidly changing world and in the era of technology, mathematics plays an essential role. To understand the mechanized world and match with the newly developing information technology knowledge in mathematics is vital. Mathematics is the mother of all sciences. Without the knowledge of mathematics, nothing is possible in the world. The world cannot progress without mathematics. Mathematics fulfills most of the human needs related to diverse aspects of everyday life. Mathematics has been accepted as significant element of formal education from ancient period to the present day. Mathematics has a very important role in the classroom not only because of the relevance of the syllabus material, but because of the reasoning processes the student can develop.