
Effects Of Obesity On The Food Industry

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1. Introduction

1.1. Motivation – Air Filled Emulsions

Obesity is one of the biggest evils of society nowadays and it is a result of sedentary lifestyle combined with unbalanced eating habits (Tchuenbou-Magaia, 2011). The dissemination of chronic diseases caused by it, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and some types of cancer, requires an urgent need to reduce dietary fat (Tchuenbou-Magaia, 2009). Also, the reluctance of the public to change their eating habits impedes the problem resolution. An essential approach to this problem that the food industry have been looking can be the elaboration and production of low fat products that resemble the full fat versions according to sensory behaviour, taste and perceived indulgence (Norton, Moore, & Fryer, 2007). Air bubbles designated to act like oil droplets in terms of size and physical properties is an alternative to the low fat food production (Tchuenbou-Magaia, 2009).

Some findings strengthen that approach, like the contribution of microbubbles for the improvement of a range of desirable properties, including texture, digestibility and flavour intensity (Campbell, Webb, Pondiella, & Niranjan,, 1999; Kilcast & Clegg, 2002; Lau & Dickinson, 2005; Wildmoser, Scheiwiller, & Windhab, 2004), that are essential during processing of some aliments like ice cream and whipped cream. Microbubbles can facilitate mastication and promote enzyme accessibility and enhance flavour delivery (Tchuenbou-Magaia, 2011). Nevertheless,

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