
Effects Of Online Shopping

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It is a new time in history of shopping. The days of having to leave the house and spend hours going to multiple stores are coming to an end. Over the last few years, People prefer to buy online rather than in stores. People can go online and buy anything and have them deliver to their house. People do not need to leave there house for anything anymore. Online shopping is changing the world at a fast rate. In America shopping malls are slowly dying due to the recent popularity of online shopping. Everything is just one click away so the need to get up and go to the mall and hope they have what you are looking for is over. The decrease of shopping mall customers in the United States is caused by online shopping and a changing consumer base.
The main reason for the convenience of online shopping. Today it is easier than ever to go on a shopping spree and buy all the groceries that are needed in the house in one day. Therefore why would anyone not want to use this technology if it is easier and more convenient. If a person is busy with work and other event going on in their life they would most likely not have the time to get in the car and drive to the store and walk around to get there things. Everyone is busy nowadays so it makes sense why online shopping is so popular. There is even a button on websites like Amazon that allow customers to make a list of often bought items that enables them to buy all their groceries in one click when they see they are running low. When

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