
Effects Of Racism In Disney Movies

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For many people in the world’s childhood, Disney movies symbolize either a dream of life. Disney movies are often used in case of teaching children that dreams come true. “Disney is for kids”, movies have become an American way of life from childhood, and of course, this does not exclude other countries.
Nonetheless, in most cases, the audience, especially young viewers are not actually aware of the concealed racial discrimination within those movies. Many of the classic Disney movies target children; and it is unconsciously affecting young audiences’ concept of racism. This has not yet been fully recognized. People do not even realize that Disney makes or had been making such racist films. Though some insists that there has been an improvement …show more content…

Nevertheless, even though Princess Tiana and many of the cast in the movie are black, the prince is white. There is absolutely no doubt that the prince is several shades whiter than the princess. This fact reveals that black people are discriminated against for never being chosen as a protagonist entirely. Which has led some critics to complain that Disney has maliciously refused the opportunity for a fairy-tale ending for a black prince and princess. With all these examples stated, it is beyond controversy that there is latent racism within Disney movies.

Second of all, Disney films affect its audience’s ways of developing the concept of race because that the racism within them implant incorrect stereotypes. With those concealed racism in Disney movies having been revealed in the previous paragraphs, it has been obviously leading the young audience to stereotype race.
For example, watching Fantasia (1940), people who do not have very much developed or accurate concepts of racism might instantly conceptualize an impression of black people being slaves to white people despite of these years of Disney’s efforts of decreasing discrimination against blacks. Perhaps, the audience is not fully aware of those discrimination while watching; however, viewers will build general ideas of race whether with or without awareness by watching all those discrimination in Disney

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