
Effects Of Racism On The Black Community

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The Effects of Racism on The Black Community
The problems of racism and police shooting unarmed blacks has brought a negative sociological perspective of both fear and hate in black and minority communities. We should continue to raise awareness of this issue with law enforcement and the communities they serve. Law enforcement represents visible characteristics of governance in the United States. In the United States, for instance, law enforcement has been mandated and entrusted with the responsibility of enforcing the law and ensuring that it is maintained. As a democratic society, law enforcement often adopts the role of being the agents of social control and accountability. For as long as they have existed, law enforcement has received enormous amounts of public scrutiny for issues such as corruption, unfairness, lack of professionalism and excessive application of force when handling the public. But the police’s lowest mark in the communities is by far for shooting unarmed black men. They have been criticized for contributing to a significant number of racially charged killings throughout the United States. Social injustice and racial profiling continues to be a part of the African American community. There were 1152 people killed by police in 2015, 30% of victims were black, only 13% of the US is black and 97% of deaths were not followed by any charges against police officers (, US Census Bureau). These

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