
Effects Of Social Computing On Society

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Effects of Social Computing

Social computing has evolved throughout the years and has changed the way many people across the globe interact with each other. “Social computing is an area of computer science that is concerned with the intersection of social behavior and computational systems”. Social computing also creates social contexts through technology and software programs. Parts of social computing include blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, wikis, instant messaging, and multiplayer gaming. Web 2.0 is a framework of different applications reinforcing the social computing process.

Now with the modern advancement in technology, Social media has perhaps took over the world as well. Social computing has definitely changed the way in which people socialize. Social media has gotten bigger in this generation. Facebook keeps family members connected worldwide, connects people in the professional world, and also keeps people connected with friends from all over as well. From looking at the PowerPoint and seeing where Facebook was when it first started back in 2004 and to log into Facebook now in 2016 the change is incredible. Forbes also stated that social computing and media is playing a huge part in large companies as well. This statistic is from McKinsey & Co. that large companies that have 1000 or more employees already had 200 terabytes of information stored about all of their employees. If you look on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, the amount of companies and

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