
Egypt Vs Nubia Research Paper

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Egypt VS. Nubia Essay:
Lately a debate that has the question, was Nubia as powerful and successful as Egypt. See this is a very interesting question, and the topic in intriguing, but I have come to the tricky conclusion that Egypt was better. Today I’m going to explain why Egypt is better by comparing the power of Egypt and Nubia. Not only will I show the strengths of Egypt against Nubia, I will show the weaknesses of Nubia as well, so let’s get started.

Some researchers and scholars say that Nubia conquered Egypt, but truly that was only for about a decade, Egypt has conquered Nubia for many millennia compared to the few centuries and decades Nubia ruled Egypt. One passage says : “The Ethiopians … are said to be the tallest and handsomest men in the whole world.”, “Meroë, said to be the capital city of the Ethiopians. The inhabitants worship Zeus and Dionysus alone of the Gods, holding them in great honor.”, “The Ethiopians ... are said to be the tallest and handsomest …show more content…

In reality that is totally useless, because that person may not be smart enough to outsmart Egyptian pharaohs. Ok, maybe Nubia had people that were more graceful than the power hungry Egyptians, but they used other countries armies to destroy Egypt, and they took the credit for it too, to think about that Nubia was somewhat wimpy to hide behind an unstable alliance with other countries. Nubia had very small groups of animals, and very little amounts of fruits. Nubia didn’t have any oils either, which means they had to use butter and fat for food instead. A passage even states: ”“Their flocks and herds are small in size, whether sheep, goats, or oxen; the dogs also,though fierce and quarrelsome, are small”, “Kings are appointed from among persons distinguished by their personal beauty, or by their breeding of cattle, or by their courage, or their

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