
Elementary School Credentialed Physical Education

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More than twenty percent of children in the U.S. are to considered obese by upcoming next year (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). The number of child obesity has more than quadrupled in the last 40 years in children ages six through eleven (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). There is an eighty percent chance that obesity will follow a child into his or her adulthood (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). These are the facts from the world today and if they do not scare you it should. Whether you already have children or plan to have children in the near future, this epidemic is affecting everyone in the US. The rate at which a child is being physically active is rapidly decreasing as the rate of hours spent watching …show more content…

” The authors of the article also state that states have “new funding (approximately $40 million annually) [that] is available to hire elementary school credentialed physical education teachers and potentially affect over 1000 elementary schools (see California Governor's Budget, 2007-08) (“Elementary”).” Of course, that is not sufficient “funding, however, to support PE credentialed teachers' direct services to all children on a regular basis (e.g., 3 or more times per week, 150 minutes per week) (“Elementary”).” Because of that, “empowering classroom teachers to deliver regular physical education remains an important part of the equation in improving current health trends related to low physical activity rates (“Elementary”).” In this research it seems that “this PDP model seems particularly relevant given the need to determine the most practical and effective approaches to improve elementary school physical education in states that rely heavily on classroom teachers to deliver the PE program (“Elementary””).” Parents value our teachers, and the teachers can teach them how to value their kids. The funding that put aside to hire credited PE faculty might be used to fund equipment and classes to teach teachers the fundamental requirements to provide adequate physical education. Teaching the teachers how to maximize and deliver the activities can help provide better physical

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